Cat Names That Start With C

328 Cat Names
Cat Names That Start With C
Want to call your cat by a name beginning with C? There are lots of options! Enjoy our list of cat names! It’s the perfect place to find your pet a name that starts with C.
Cari Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 245
Means beloved for a darling pet
Cookie Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 231
A sweet and delicious snack
Coco Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 224
Means night, fits a black pet
Ceyda Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 189
Suits a beautiful pet
Calisto Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 175
Means the most beautiful
Conwy Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 168
Means hound of the plain
Catja Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 161
Suits an innocent and pure pet
Chance Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Suits a fortunate pet who has also brought you good luck
Chita Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means food for a fulfilling pet
Chloe Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
For an energetic, cute pet
Chana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means graceful
Champ Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
A dish made of mashed potatoes and chopped scallions with butter
Cullen Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means handsome
Caleb Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
means faithful for a loyal pet
Caledonia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Refers to a woman from Scotland
Columbine Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
A plant with long spurred blue flowers
Carina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means beloved for an adorable pet
Camilla Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Refers to a servant of the temple or free-born or noble
Cruise Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Tom Cruise, an American actor, and producer
Cèilidh Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Refers to a companion
Clyde Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
The second-longest river in Scotland
Cadie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Refers to the rhythmic flow of sounds
Calista Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For the most beautiful pet in your home
Clara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For a distinct pet with a bright coat

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More cat names that start with C continued

Codi Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Perfect for your pet who loves to help around
Clio Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Mythological Muse of historic poetry for a praiseworthy pet
Croissant Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
A crescent shaped roll made of yeast dough eaten for breakfast
Cezar Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
A variant of Caesar for a pet with long hair
Cherie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Mean darling for an adorable pet
Chang Juan Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means moon, for a graceful pet
Chad Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Suits a pet who protects and defends you
Catalin Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Form of Katherine meaning pure
Cato Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Suits an intelligent pet
Caeso Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means blue-grey in Latin
Charvi Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means a beautiful young woman
Cecil Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means blind
Chun Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
The spring season
Carlchen Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For your strong pet who likes to roam around
Chayna Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Suits a bold and beautiful pet
Cora Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means maiden
Cecílie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means blind
Cleo Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For your famous pet who likes to be praised
Coquelicot Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For a red-haired pet
Cecilia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For a pet born blind
Chebe Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Suits a pet who brings you good luck and fortune
Calian Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Refers to a warrior of life
Candy Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Suits a sweet pet with a glowing white coat
Chafu Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means dirty for your pet who loves to play with dirt

Cat Names A-Z

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Cat Names by Origin

More cat names that start with C continued

Cantaloupe Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Orange colored melon fruit
Charlotte Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Feminine of the name Charles, for a petite pet
Camden Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Name him after a Northwest town in England
Carolina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Song of joy and happiness
Calabar Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
A beautiful port city in southern Nigeria
Chien Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means a warrior for your fearless pet
Christian Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Believer or follower of Christ
Cerny Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
A Czechoslovakian name meaning black
Caiya Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means nearby for a pet who never leaves your side
Chiyo Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means one thousand generations; eternal
Connery Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For your brave pet
Caesar Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Suits a pet with long hair
Cissy Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means the blind one
Carita Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For a beloved pet who is dear to you
Constantine Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Suits a steadfast pet
Cyprian Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
A Nigerian writer Cyprian Ekwensi
Connor Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means exalted
Caribbean Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
The name of the sea near the West Indies
Casandra Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Refers to a famous prophetess
Clark Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means secretary or scholar
Cranachan Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
A Scottish dessert traditionally eaten during celebrations of harvest
Chalupa Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
A boat-shaped fried corn tortilla
Cash Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means vain
Casper Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Refers to a treasurer for a trustworthy pet
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