The 5 Best Bedding For Rabbits

Rabbits May 2, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 10, 2025
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The 5 Best Bedding For Rabbits

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Many rabbit owners give their rabbits free reign of the home or at least part of it. If you prefer to keep your rabbit in an enclosure when it isn’t time for exercise or play, you’ll probably want to line the enclosure with some kind of bedding. Rabbit bedding absorbs moisture and helps control odors in your rabbit enclosure to keep things nice and comfortable for your rabbit.

In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of caring for a pet rabbit and provide some tips for choosing the best rabbit bedding. You’ll also see our top 5 picks for the best rabbit bedding.

At a Glance: Best Bedding For Rabbits To Buy

We highly recommend looking at the comparison table we have below where we highlighted the features of each product. You’ll also find more detailed information about each product later in the article.

Compare Best Bedding For Rabbits

Overall Best
Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding

1. Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding

Best For Winter
Healthy Pet HPCC Natural Bedding

2. Healthy Pet HPCC Natural Bedding

Best Odor Control
Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control Bedding

3. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control Bedding

Best For Lionhead Rabbits
Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Small Animal Bedding

4. Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Small Animal Bedding

Best Affordable
Kaytee Aspen Small Animal Bedding

5. Kaytee Aspen Small Animal Bedding

Unbleached paper
Reclaimed wood pulp
Recycled paper
$2130 cubic inches
8 cubic feet
Key Features
Expands to 3x volume, absorbent, natural
Key Features
Absorbs 3x weight in liquid, odor control, soft
Key Features
Absorbs 2x more than shavings, odor control
Key Features
3x absorption, 14 days odor control, dust-free
Key Features
All natural, non-toxic, no oils

What To Look For In Bedding For Rabbits?

There are many different rabbit beddings to choose from, but they are not all created equal. In fact, some manufacturers market products as rabbit bedding that can actually harm your rabbit. Take the time to learn what you should be looking for in rabbit bedding before you buy.

Here are some important things to look for in rabbit bedding:

  • Natural materials. All-natural materials make for the best rabbit bedding because they are generally safe. Avoid anything with too many perfumes or other additives.
  • Highly absorbent. If you’re using bedding in your rabbit cage, its primary purpose is to absorb moisture so choose something that absorbs moisture well.
  • Odor control. In addition to absorbing moisture, you want your rabbit bedding to help with odor control. Just be careful about choosing something with too much fragrance.
  • Non-toxic materials. Certain materials like cedar and pine shavings are dangerous for rabbits because they contain oils that can be toxic. Avoid any bedding that could harm your rabbit.

Our Top Picks For The Best Bedding For Rabbits

Now that you have a better idea what to look for in a rabbit bedding, it’s time to start shopping! Keep reading to see our top 5 picks for the best rabbit beddings.

Overall Best

Small Pet Select Small Pet Aspen Bedding

Product Info

  • Materials: Unbleached paper
  • Amount: 16L
  • Key Features: Expands to 3x volume, absorbent, natural
  • Expands to 3x its original volume
  • Made from safe, all-natural materials
  • Soft and comfortable for rabbits
  • A little pricier than some other options
  • Packaging size can be misleading
If you’re looking for a safe, all-natural rabbit bedding you can feel good about using, try this Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding. Not only is it made from all-natural paper materials, but it is 100% safe and made in the USA without any chemicals or additives.

This paper bedding expands to 3 times its original volume and is highly absorbent as well. It is made from pure unbleached paper that has never been printed on, so you know it’s safe.
Best For Winter

Healthy Pet HPCC Natural Bedding

Product Info

  • Materials: Reclaimed wood pulp
  • Amount: 60L
  • Key Features: Absorbs 3x weight in liquid, odor control, soft
  • Expands to 2x its packaged volume
  • Absorbs up to 3x its weight in liquid
  • Excellent odor control for urine odors
  • Some customers found it to be dustier than promised
  • Packaging size can be a little misleading
Another excellent option in rabbit litter is this Healthy Pet Natural Critter Care Bedding. It features soft pieces that absorb up to 3 times their weight in liquid, keeping your rabbit cozy and dry.

This bedding is virtually dust-free and it is completely biodegradable and compostable after use. It is made from reclaimed wood pulp and comes in a neutral color or a multi-color variety. It also expands up to twice its packaged volume, giving you extra value.
Best Odor Control

Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control Bedding

Product Info

  • Materials: Wood
  • Amount: 40L
  • Key Features: Absorbs 2x more than shavings, odor control
  • Absorbs twice as much liquid as wood shavings
  • Offers 14 days of continuous odor control
  • 9% dust-free formula for easy breathing
  • Somewhat pricy compared to wood shavings
  • Some users found it to have a noticeable scent
A similar bedding to the previous option, this Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control Bedding is twice as absorbent as wood shavings and is 99.9% dust-free.

This soft, comfy litter offers 14 days of continuous odor control and it is completely safe and non-toxic. If you’re looking for a rabbit bedding that will keep your rabbit comfy and his cage clean and dry, this is a great option to consider.
Best For Lionhead Rabbits

Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Small Animal Bedding

Product Info

  • Materials: Recycled paper
  • Amount: $2130 cubic inches
  • Key Features: 3x absorption, 14 days odor control, dust-free
  • Made from 100% recycled paper materials
  • Up to 14 days of superior odor control
  • 5% dust-free formula for easy breathing
  • Fairly expensive compared to some options
  • Fine texture is easy to kick around/out of the cage
If you’re looking for a bedding that is super soft Lionhead or Angora rabbits , this VitaKraft Fresh World Bedding is the way to go. It features tiny crumbles made from 100% recycled paper that absorbs up to 3 times its weight in liquid. This paper bedding offers 14 days of continuous odor control as well, and it is biodegradable and compostable after use. Plus, it is made in the USA without any harmful additives.
Best Affordable

Kaytee Aspen Small Animal Bedding

Product Info

  • Materials: Aspen
  • Amount: 8 cubic feet
  • Key Features: All natural, non-toxic, no oils
  • Specially processed to eliminate dust
  • No aromatic oils or inks to irritate rabbit
  • All-natural materials, non-toxic
  • Not quite as soft as some bedding options
  • May not absorb as much as paper materials
If you’re looking for a rabbit bedding to give you great bang for your buck, try this Kaytee All-Natural Aspen Bedding. It may look more expensive than some options, but it comes in a large package. This bedding is made from all-natural materials without the use of aromatic oils, inks, or artificial additives.

Tips For Choosing The Right Rabbit Bedding

Rabbits are fairly clean animals by nature, and they are also creatures of habit. This being the case, it is fairly easy to litter train a rabbit. In addition to providing your rabbit with a litter box, you might also want to use some bedding in your cage to keep things dry and comfortable.

Here are some simple tips for choosing the right rabbit bedding:

  • Consider using fleece bedding or cage liners – they are inexpensive and low-mess because you simply throw them in the wash and reuse them.
  • Use wood shavings like aspen if you want something dust-free that you can throw away after using – just be sure to avoid cedar or pine shavings because they contain oils harmful to rabbits.
  • For an eco-friendlier option, consider recycled paper pellets – they are very absorbent.
  • Avoid using straw, corn husks, or cat litter as your rabbit bedding because these things can be dangerous for your rabbit.
  • No matter which bedding you choose, spot-check daily to remove soiled areas – you don’t want your rabbit sitting in its own mess.

Now that you have a better understanding of what to look for in rabbit bedding and how to properly care for your rabbit, you’re ready to start shopping! Take what you’ve learned here to choose the right bedding for your pet rabbit and to prepare an enclosure that meets your rabbit’s needs.

Final Remarks

Not all rabbits require bedding – it depends on the housing situation. For free-range rabbits, you really only need a litter box and a few places where your rabbit can rest or hide. For more traditional enclosures, however, using the right rabbit bedding can keep the cage clean, dry, and odor free for a week or more at a time. If you’re still not sure where to start in looking for rabbit bedding, try out one of the top 5 best rabbit beddings we’ve reviewed above. Good luck!

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Kate Barrington is avid pet lover and adoring owner of three cats and one dog, her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care and nutrition. She has been writing about pet care and pet products since 2010
  1. Wayne

    What is wrong with straw (which I have seen recommended)? My rabbits like to dig and nibble fresh straw. I started with straw but my rabbits do not consider all the hay eatable so the rejected hay replaces straw. They pee is a small place and I have a pee pot under it and rejected hay over it which is replaced when wet. Droppings lay on top of the bedding and are removed multiple times/day. High absorbance bedding would be undesirable.

    • Kate Barrington

      Good question, Wayne! Straw shouldn't be a problem if only used as bedding. Hay is a better choice for feeding because it comes from grass which is nutritious and healthy for rabbits. Straw comes from the dried stalks of grain crops and contains fewer nutrients.

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