Bulgarian Cat Names

98 Cat Names
Bulgarian Cat Names
Looking for unusual cat name ideas? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve created the ultimate list of Bulgarian cat names. Your pet is one of a kind – and having a Bulgarian name is the perfect way to celebrate tradition while giving your cat a unique name that sets them apart from the rest.
Anton Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 161
For your diligent pet
Angel Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means messenger, fits a pet who assists in errands
Zora Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means sunshine for your beautiful pet
Ava Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means life for your jovial and energetic pet
Simon Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
An obedient pet who’s attentive
Ivo Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Refers to Yew tree used for making bows, ideal name for your flexible pet
Vera Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
For a faithful pet
Alexander Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Refers to defender of mankind
Yosef Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Refers to God will increase
Stefan Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
A diminutive of the name Stefania
Kalin Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Refers to the keeper of the keys, for a trustworthy pet
Galina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means calm for a patient pet
Galena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For a quiet and peaceful pet
Cecilia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For a pet born blind
Abby Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means ‘father of exaltation’ for your pet who gives you joy
Vladimir Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means renowned prince
Boris Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means warrior for a courageous and determined pet
Katerina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means one who’s pure
Christian Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Believer or follower of Christ
Stefania Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means crown for a glorious pet who triumphs in all battles
Stanko Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means to stand with glory
Elena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means the bright one for a pet with a shiny coat
Andrea Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Refers to warrior, perfect name for a fearless pet
Ana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For your gracious pet

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More bulgarian cat names continued

Kristina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
A variant of the name Christina, a follower of Christ
Daniela Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means God is my judge
Magdalena Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Refers to from Magdala
Ani Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means very beautiful
Simeon Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Refers to one who obeys what he hears
Jeff Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Suits a peaceful pet
Anna Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means grace
Jordan Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means to flow down, suits a brilliant pet who’s a source of joy
Antonia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Feminine form of the name Anton meaning beyond praise
Kristian Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Means a Christian
Lara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
For a famous and cheerful pet
Rosa Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
A variant of the name Rose
Malina Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Suits a calm pet
Irina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
For your peaceful and friendly pet
Yakov Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Suits a cunning pet
Donna Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Refers to the lady or mistress of the house
Tatyana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Give this name to a beautiful and hairy pet
Danil Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
For your graceful pet
Jorge Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
A variant of the name George meaning farmer for your industrious pet
Savannah Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Refers to plain grassland, fits a calm pet
Karl Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means manly for a strong and masculine pet
Francheska Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Refers to a hopeful woman
Dany Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
A variant of the name Daniel meaning the right judge
Teddy Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means a prosperous protector

Cat Names A-Z

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Cat Names by Origin

More bulgarian cat names continued

Varvara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Refers to foreign for your mysterious pet
Lily Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
A lovely flower popular for its beauty and purity
Sofia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means wisdom
Luka Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means light for a pet with shiny eyes
Georgi Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means farmer for a pet who loves to help you in the farm
Aleksandr Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Bulgarian form of the name Alexander
Dara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means a star for your bright pet with many talents
Joana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
A variant of the name Joan for a creative and ambitious pet
Lilia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
A variant of the name Lily
Iliana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Suits a pet with a shiny coat
Valentin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Suits a healthy and strong pet
Elly Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
For a joyous and lively pet born to spread the light
Svetlana Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Refers to she who shines brightly
Rayna Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means a queen for a pet who rues over your home
Alexandra Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
For your pet who defends you
Stanislav Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Give your famous pet this name
Dayana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Refers to a judge
Eva Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means living one, for your healthy pet who’s full of energy
Yana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means God is gracious
Emilia Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means rival for a pet who likes to compete
Tatiana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Refers to a fairy queen, fits your majestic and beautiful pet
Lora Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Suits a beautiful and innocent pet
Lala Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Means tulip for a gentle and beautiful pet
Stoyan Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Means to stay, for your pet who never leaves your side
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