155 Most Popular Ferret Name Ideas & Meanings
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Ferrets are close relatives of weasels and otters. They can live up to 10 years and are also sociable animals with a lot of energy.
They are ready to play on a regular basis, which makes them quite active creatures. However, they also can sleep for 18 hours a day.
In addition, they are bright and can very well learn new tricks like dogs – thus, they are smart animals. As with any other pet, this intelligent animal needs a name that you can use to call it.
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Top Rated Ferret Names

- Kirra – Perfect for your girl ferret
- Tiffany – This one must play hard to get
- Pip – Funny and concise
- Leo – For a brave pet ferret
- Gracie – For the little obedient ones
- Bruno – An edgy and vibrant name
- Patrick – An interesting and smart choice for a name
- Bubbles – For your ever smiley and jubilant ferret
- Brisby – For the serious and lonely types
- Bumper – This one must like to hit things with his head
- Buck – For the friendly type
- Rudy – Don’t mind his indifference he`ll get along
- Sid – For the funny ones
- Peaches – For the extremely adorable ones
- Manny – A good name for a healthy pet ferret
- Casper – Popular name adapted from children`s cartoons
- Cotton – Because they are very soft
- Ginger – A perfect complementing the color
- Luna – Catchy and simple
- Obie – Something new for your precious ferret
- Pixie – For the little jumpy ones
- Griff – For the grumpy ones
- Popples – Made up name from popular shows
- Snuggles – Because you like to snuggle them always
- Walnut – Perfect name to compliment the color
- Wizzy – For the noisy ones
- Zippy – Perfect name for your active ferret
Cute and Adorable Ferret Names

- Ada – This is a great name for girl ferret bane.
- Aal – Meaning of the noble kind.
- Abe – The father of a multitude of children.
- Alphie – A name referring to the elf counsel.
- Barney – This is the son of consolation.
- Bela – A great name for a white ferret
- Billy – This may refer to a ferret that has a lot of desire to learn.
- Boru – a character in Spiderman series
- Cai – female Chinese name meaning colorful
- Caleb – a male ferret name meaning wholehearted
- Chava – simply means life
- Copper – cute name for a brown or orange colored ferret
- Daddyo – cool slang name for a male ferret
- Dawn – means sunrise for an early rising ferret
- Dink – pretty name for a small ferret
- Domino – for a black and white ferret
- E.T. – after the extra-terrestrial film by Stephen Spielberg
- Efrem – a name meaning fruitful
- Eve – good name for a female ferret meaning life
- Erv – derived from the name Irving
- Fergie – for a strong ferret
- Fifi – a diminutive form of Josephine
- Flash – a bright colored ferret
Geeky Ferret Names

- Flipper – for a ferret that loves to flip
- Gad– for a happy ferret
- Ghost – great name for a white ferret
- Gigi – a cool name
- Gonzo – a character in the television series ‘Muppet show’
- Havoc – for a ferret who likes to get into trouble
- Homer – an ancient Greek philosopher
- Hotfoot – for a ferret that likes to move around
- Hugo – means bright minded
- Iggy – a fiery ferret
- Ivory – for an ivory colored ferret
- Ina – means pure
- Itsy Bitsy – for a small ferret
- Jalapeno – hot green pepper for an aggressive ferret
- Janz – means Jan’s son
- Jaq – short of Jacques
- Jasiri – Swahili meaning bold and courageous ferret
- Kai – a Hawaiian name meaning ocean
- Keeya – an African name meaning garden flower
- Koko – a native American name meaning ‘night’ for a black ferret
- Kozue – a Japanese name meaning tree branches
- Lamar – a Spanish name meaning ‘from the sea’
- Lala – a Bulgarian name meaning ‘tulip’
Unique Ferret Names

- Lego – for a ferret that like to play with toy bricks
- Lenka – diminutive of Elena
- Miles – a name meaning soldier
- Momo – a silly name for your pet ferret
- Mystral – French name meaning Northerly wind
- Mable – means loveable
- Naja – a name in Greenland meaning ‘A boy’s little sister’
- Ned – wealth protector
- Nipper – for a ferret that likes to nip
- Nutmeg – a brown furred ferret
- Ogen – means anchor
- Olive – character in the cartoon ‘Popeye’
- Otto – a German name meaning wealth
- Ozzie – diminutive form of Osbourne
- Perky – for a lively and cheerful ferret
- Piper – a flute player
- Pounce – a goofy name for an active ferret
- Puffy – for a fluffy ferret
- Questa – good name for an inquisitive ferret
- Quincy – name your ferret after a famous musician
- Quinto – Spanish name meaning fifth
- Qwara – an Ethiopian tribe
- Rain – abundant blessings from above
- Regan – daughter of Shakespeare’s King Lear
- Romper – for a hyper ferret that likes to bounce all over
- Rufus – a red furred ferret
- Scampy – means energetic
- Shaggy – a character in the ‘Scooby-Doo’ series
- Snooki – a cool name for your pet ferret
- Stinky – means odorous
- Tao – means long life in Chinese
- Tribble – fictional animal from ‘Star Trek’
Baby Ferret Names
One month old adorable baby ferret -
- Twiggy – for a small ferret
- Twister – for a ferret that doesn’t like to be held
- Ugo – an Italian name meaning mind
- Una – Irish name meaning ‘one’
- Usher – people escort
- Urian – a Welsh name meaning born in the city
- Vanilla – appropriate name for an affectionate white ferret
- Veata – means wind
- Vesta – goddess of the hearth
- Vince – short of Vincent meaning victorious
- Vivi – means alive
- Waddles – a pretty ferret name
- Wald – German name meaning ruler
- Wanda – a young tree
- Wheatie – for a brown furred ferret
- Wiggles – a goofy name for a ferret that can’t keep still
- Winky – a small ferret
- Xava – it means a new house
- Xuxa – a Portuguese name meaning the queen
- Yang – for a black and white ferret
- Yellow – a yellow furred ferret
- Yoyo – a plump round ferret
- Yuuki – for a gentle natured ferret
- Zac – short of Zachary
- Zeta – a letter in the Greek alphabet
- Zipper – a goofy name for a hyper ferret
- Zyta – a diminutive form of Teresita
Ferret Fruit and Vegetables Pet Names

- Yam – with Hebrew origin which means ‘the sea’.
- Crimini – a brown or tan mushroom
- Parsnip – a root vegetable.
- Zucchini – comes directly from the Italian word ‘zucchino’ that means ‘small squash’
- Acai – Shyness in African origin
- Fig – flowering plant in the mulberry family
- Mango – means “A beautiful orange fruit”
- Aubergine – French origin and means “Eggplant”.
- Apple – a rounded red, yellow, or green fruit that has a strong biblical connotation
- Goji – is also called the wolfberry
- Melon – juicy fruit of certain cucurbitaceous plants
- Pineapple – It’s the perfect fruit to eat on a hot summer day
- Berry – a small and round juicy fruit.
- Guava – is a small, sweet tropical fruit.
- Nectar – similar to kidney beans and are eaten as a vegetable.
- Plum – are small, dark reddish purple, and sweet.
- Cherry – small and round, usually red or black in color with hard seed.
- Honeydew – a sticky substance similar to honey
- Papaya – A papaya is a fruit with a green skin, sweet orange flesh, and small black seeds.
- Pluot – is a cross breed of plum and apricot
How To Name Your Ferret?
You can use your creativity when choosing a name for your pet ferret. Consider for example by joining two words together to form a new name. Using names with unusual spelling will also get you a name that you will both love. A playful name is suitable for a playful, excitable ferret. For example, Troubles, Mischief or Mayhem. If you notice that your ferret is reserved, give it a more laid-back name like Shy, Princess or George.
Final Thoughts
An affectionate name would be appropriate for a sweet mannered ferret, for example, Cuddles, Sweety-pie or Honey. The name that you give your ferret may also be based upon its appearance or coloring of its fur. For example, Knight for a dark-furred ferret or Brownie for a brown ferret. Take time with your ferret to study its facial expressions, you may come up with a great name like Smiley. The name you choose may also be based on natural phenomena like tornados or earthquakes. Whatever name that you eventually choose, make it as descriptive as possible because you will be using it for a long time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do ferrets know their names?
Ferrets are extremely intelligent, and do know their name
What are good names to name a ferret?
A good pet ferret name is one that is short and easy to pronounce
What can I name my ferret?
You can name your ferret after a celeb or find more adorable pet ferret name ideas in our article
What is the name of ferret in Spanish
The Spanish name for ferret is hurón
Wald is German yes...but it doesn‘t mean ruler it means forest (I am from Germany you can trust me on that one)
Melody Wood
All of these names were so cute, I named mine Lala-it means tulip
I named mine Kirra and Vanilla
these are literally the best names, gonna name my child daddyo.
Trinity :)
Trinity :)
i love the name Ozzie i might pick that one but i kinda wanna name him Ringo from the beatles
put in Gizmo
They were so cute I couldn't even deal with it but I name to Mine pip
They were all so cute I but I did pick one his name is Pip
Trinity :)
i love the name Ozzie i might pick that one but i kinda wanna name him Ringo from the beatles
Trinity :)
Lamaries D Fisher
mine is chava vanilla Ziggy nutmeg and miles 2boys 3girls
Lol I already have Sid and Rudy!
Ferret Fan Club
I love this list of ferret names! But I wish you would remove the picture of the ferret eating a banana. Ferrets are carnivores and shouldn't eat any fruit! Thanks!
I can’t believe Skooter wasn’t one of the names listed! My one ferret was a Skooter because he would lie flat on the floor and scoot himself around with his back legs. I almost named him Holler! He was a baby when I bought him and when I got him home I put him in a deep laundry tub while I was setting up his cage, as soon as he couldn’t hear my voice or see me he started “hollering”! It scared me at first because I’d had other babies and none had done more than duk, duk, duk. I ran over and asked him what was wrong and I don’t know if he saw or heard me first but he stopped. I went back setting up the cage and he started hollering again! I know this is about names, but has anyone else heard their baby ferret do more than duking?
You forgot about Draco!!! AAAAAA! I mean, it has GOT to go in the top list of ferret names. xD Because like... Um... Hello? Draco Malfoy got turned into a ferret and why not name a white fluffy ferret after him? "Here Draco... Where are you?"
I named one of my Ferrets Rugby
I named my ferret Peaches