The 5 Best Turtle Tanks

Turtles May 11, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 11, 2025
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turtle tanks


The 5 Best Turtle Tanks

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turtle tanks

Turtles make wonderful pets because they are unique and entertaining. Though they are not as high-maintenance as some exotic pets, they do require a certain degree of care.

Providing your turtle with the right environment and a healthy diet is the key to a long, healthy, and happy life.

At A Glance: Best Turtle Tanks To Buy

We highly recommend looking at the comparison table we have below where we highlighted the features of each product. You’ll also find more detailed information about each product later in the article.

Compare Best Turtle Tanks

Overall Best
Tetrafauna Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Aquarium Kit

1. Tetrafauna Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Aquarium Kit

Budget Pick
Aquarium Starter Kit Fish Reptile Turtle Habitat Tank Filter Lamp Lid

2. Aquarium Starter Kit Fish Reptile Turtle Habitat Tank Filter Lamp Lid

Best For Aquatic Turtles
Zilla Premium Rimless Aquatic Turtle Habitat Kit

3. Zilla Premium Rimless Aquatic Turtle Habitat Kit

Best For Land Turtles
Exo Terra Glass Natural Terrarium Kit

4. Exo Terra Glass Natural Terrarium Kit

Best For Multiple Turtles
SeaClear Acrylic Aquarium Combo Set

5. SeaClear Acrylic Aquarium Combo Set

Tank kit
Tank kit
Tank kit
Aquarium kit
20 gallons
10 gallons
20 gallons
6.6 gallons
50 gallons
Decorative ReptoFilter, Basking Platform, Dome Lamps
ReptoMin food, Basking Platform, Dome Lamps
Tank, heater, filter, decoration, food, water conditioner
Tank, light fixture

What To Look For In A Turtle Tank

Choosing the right tank for your turtle is very important because it will be your turtle’s world. The size, dimensions, and quality of your turtle tank have a direct impact on your pet turtle’s long-term health and wellness. Finding the perfect turtle tank is a matter of understanding your turtle’s needs and making the best possible choice within your price range.

Here are some important things to look for in a turtle tank:

  • High-quality materials- Most pet turtles are aquatic, so you need a tank built from sturdy materials that will hold up to high water pressure and won’t be prone to cracking or breaking. Glass is a common material, but acrylic is lighter and less prone to breakage.
  • Size and dimensions- The size of your turtle tank should be determined by the size of your turtle, and you should buy the biggest tank you can afford. At a minimum, choose a tank 5 to 10 times the length of your turtle’s shell in gallons – a 4-inch turtle needs a 20- to 40-gallon tank.
  • Additional components- Some turtle tanks come as a kit that includes the filter, heater, and other accessories you need. If you choose not to purchase a kit, make sure the tank you buy can accommodate these essential accessories.
  • Easy to clean- Like any pet, your turtle needs a clean environment to remain healthy. Choose a tank that accommodates your turtle’s needs but is also easy to clean – avoid anything with too many nooks and crannies.

Our Top Picks For The Best Turtle Tanks

Now that you have a better idea what to look for in turtle tanks, it’s time to start shopping! Keep reading to see our top 5 picks for the best tanks for turtles.

Here are our top 5 picks for the best turtle tanks:

Overall Best

Tetrafauna Aquatic Turtle Deluxe Aquarium Kit

Product Info

  • Type: Tank kit
  • Capacity: 20 gallons
  • Included: Decorative ReptoFilter, Basking Platform, Dome Lamps
  • Comes with everything you need to get started
  • 20-gallon capacity is ideal for small turtles
  • Allows you to decorate the tank as you like
  • Not suitable for larger or multiple turtles
  • Decorative filter takes up a significant amount of space
Finding the right tank for your pet turtle doesn’t need to be difficult. The Tetra Deluxe 20-Gallon Aquatic Turtle Kit is a long, 20-gallon tank that works very well for young and small turtles.

The tank is designed for aquatic turtles but could potentially be adapted to terrestrial turtles as well. It comes with the tank as well as a screened top and essential accessories like a heating lamp, filter, basking platform, and cartridges. Overall, it offers great value for the money and is the perfect starter kit for pet turtles.
Budget Pick

Aquarium Starter Kit Fish Reptile Turtle Habitat Tank Filter Lamp Lid

Product Info

  • Type: Tank kit
  • Capacity: 10 gallons
  • Included: ReptoMin food, Basking Platform, Dome Lamps
  • Very affordably priced for an all-inclusive kit
  • Comes with the essential accessories
  • Very quick and easy to get set up
  • Only recommended for young or very small turtles
  • Rock decoration takes up a significant amount of space
Turtle tanks can get expensive, especially if you buy a kit that comes with everything. If you’re just getting started with a pet turtle, you don’t necessarily need a large tank.

If you’re looking for something affordable that comes with all you need to get started, consider the Aqua Culture Aquatic Reptile Starter Kit Size 10. It is quick and easy to set up and very affordable.
Best For Aquatic Turtle

Zilla Premium Rimless Aquatic Turtle Habitat Kit

Product Info

  • Type: Tank kit
  • Capacity: 20 gallons
  • Included: Tank, heater, filter, decoration, food, water conditioner
  • Unique rimless design is very attractive
  • Comes with everything needed to get started
  • Generous 20-gallon capacity is good for a small turtle
  • Will not accommodate very large turtles
  • Non-locking lid won’t effectively keep other pets out
If you plan to keep aquatic turtles, you’ll need a tank specially designed to accommodate their swimming space and the need for certain accessories. We recommend the Zilla Premium Rimless Aquatic Turtle Habitat Kit because it comes with everything you need and features a unique, rimless design. This kit includes a filtration unit that doubles as a basking and climbing surface, plus it comes with a heat lamp, turtle food, water conditioner, and more.

*Please note, that although the photo and description say 20L, the dimensions of the tank hold 20 gallons when filled.
Best For Land Turtles

Exo Terra Glass Natural Terrarium Kit

Product Info

  • Type: Terrarium
  • Capacity: 6.6 gallons
  • Included: Tank
  • Two front doors open for easy access
  • Designed for lighting and ventilation
  • Will only accommodate very young turtles and will need to be replaced quickly
  • Fairly expensive compared to other options
  • Doesn’t come with any additional accessories
Land turtles need a significant amount of space and a unique type of tank that gives them room without being difficult to clean or access. The Exo Terra All-Glass Terrarium in the Large/Wide size is ideal because it features two large doors on the front that open outward as well as having access from the top. This tank doesn’t come with any additional accessories, but it is easy to customize on your own.
Best For Multiple Turtles

SeaClear Acrylic Aquarium Combo Set

Product Info

  • Type: Aquarium kit
  • Capacity: 50 gallons
  • Included: Tank, light fixture
  • Durable acrylic materials are lightweight
  • Large size is ideal for bigger or multiple turtles
  • Comes with a powerful light fixture
  • Not specifically designed for pet turtles
  • Doesn’t come with anything other than the light fixture
Turtles are the type of pet that you can keep either one of or multiple of. The thing to keep in mind, however, is that they need a lot of space and adding another turtle means you’ll need a bigger tank. If you’re looking for a tank kit large enough to accommodate more than one turtle or just a very large turtle, we recommend the SeaClear Acrylic Aquarium Combo Set.

Tips For Caring For Pet Turtles

Pet turtles require care just like any other pet, though they are very different from typical pets like cats and dogs. Your turtle will spend most of its life in its tank, so make sure you design it to accommodate for your turtle’s needs and provide as much space as you can afford.

Here are some general tips for housing and caring for pet turtles:

  • Choose the right size for your turtle tank – it should be at least 5 to 10 times the length of your turtle’s shell in gallons (for example, a turtle that measures 4 inches long needs a 20- to 40-gallon tank).
  • Pay attention to the dimensions of your turtle’s tank to make sure it isn’t too narrow to accommodate swimming space as well as the necessary accessories.
  • Provide your turtle with space for basking and set up your heat lamps over these spaces so your turtle can rest there to warm up. Most turtles will also need UV lights.
  • Research the type of turtle you have to determine the best diet that will keep your turtle healthy – terrestrial turtles have slightly different needs than aquatic turtles.

Your turtle’s individual care requirements will depend on the type of turtle you have. Aquatic turtles, for example, need more water space with options for basking while terrestrial turtles need more land space. Determine what type of pet turtle you plan to keep and design your turtle tank accordingly.

Final Remarks

The best turtle tank will be one that provides your turtle with everything it needs to be happy and healthy. In addition to being clean and safe, your turtle tank should be large enough for your turtle to move freely and to exercise natural behaviors. If you’re not sure how much space your turtle needs, do a little research on the type of turtle you have to find out before you start shopping.

If you’re still not sure where to start in looking for turtle tanks, try out one of the top 5 best turtle tanks we’ve reviewed above. Good luck!

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Kate Barrington is avid pet lover and adoring owner of three cats and one dog, her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care and nutrition. She has been writing about pet care and pet products since 2010
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