120+ Most Popular Cute Girl Hamster Names

Hamster May 9, 2022
Written by | Updated Feb 8, 2025
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120+ Most Popular Cute Girl Hamster Names

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A pretty hamster girl deserves a pretty name that rightly describes her size, color or personality. There are plentiful of names that your hamster will love. There is no need to call her “cute hammy”.

Different sources can serve as creative inspiration for naming your pet hamster. An endearing name will be a good foundation for bonding with your lovely girl hamster. Hamster’s personality or color of fur could influence your naming. On the other hand, you might find your little hamster to resemble a Disney princess or other fictional character and decide to name her after it.

Girl hamsters’ names should be pretty and endearing. A well-thought-out name adds to the hamster’s charm and personality. It should be a name that is easy to pronounce, cute and sober-sounding that can be used in public.

Best Girl Hamster Names

There are numerous names that will uniquely fit your hamster. The simpler the name, the better for it to register with your girl hamster when you are communicating with her.

  1. Alice – a noble hamster
  2. Amber – a jeweled name from the yellowish resin
  3. Amelia – if your hamster is always busy doing something, name her Amelia
  4. Angelina – a wonderful name meaning angel
  5. Apple – your hamster is the apple of your eye
  6. April – a pretty name if she was born in April
  7. Ashes – great name for a grey hamster
  8. Ashley – this is a cool name for your girl hamster
  9. Beans – she is small and round like a bean
  10. Bebe – a cute sounding name for a cute hamster
  11. Bella – meaning your hamster is simply beautiful
  12. Blondie – great name for a blonde fur hamster
  13. Blossom – simply meaning that your hamster looks fresh
  14. Bonita – a Spanish name meaning pretty
  15. Boots – if her feet are a unique color from her fur, this is a pretty name for her
  16. Brownie – for a brown fur hamster
  17. Bubbles – if your hamster is forever cheerful, this is a great name for her
  18. Butterscotch – for a hamster whose fur is the color of butterscotch
  19. Buttons – for a hamster that is small and round like a button
  20. Cashmere – for a very soft furred hamster
  21. Catnip – this is a cool sounding name
  22. Charm – for a hamster that excludes a lot of charm
  23. Cheeks – for a hamster whose cheeks are round
  24. Chica Chubb – for a hamster that is on the chubbier side
  25. Chili – a cool sounding name
  26. Chocolat – cute name for a brown fur hamster
  27. Cinderella – because your hamster reminds you of Cinderella
  28. Cinnamon – does she have the color of cinnamon, great name for her
  29. Clover – meaning that both you and your hamster are lucky to have each other
  30. Cocoa – a cute name for a brown colored hamster
  31. Colette – a great girl hamster name meaning victorious
  32. Cookie – if she seems to love cookies
  33. Cottonball – cute name for a hamster that looks like a ball of cotton
  34. Creampuff – a cute name to give your hamster if she resembles a cream puff
  35. Cuddles – for a hamster that loves to cuddle
  36. Cupcake – an endearing name for your hamster
  37. Cutie Pie – a great name for a girl hamster that is as cute as a pie
  38. Daisy – a charming name derived for a flower
  39. Darling – a fitting name for a darling girl hamster
  40. Diane – for a sweet hamster
  41. Dolly – cute name for a hamster that looks like a small doll
  42. Dora – a name of Greek origin meaning gift
  43. Ella – if you think your hamster is beautiful, this is the name for her
  44. Fiona – fair fur or white in color
  45. Flora – a name meaning flower
  46. Fluffy – an adorable name for your hamster
  47. FooFoo – a silly sounding name
  48. Freckles – for a hamster that has a dust of freckles on her fur coat
  49. Furball – for a hamster that has a lot of fur
  50. Georgia – a great girl name meaning worker of the earth
  51. Ginger – because your hamster’s fur is ginger colored
  52. Goldilocks – cute name for a golden furred hamster
  53. Gracie – a great name meaning God’s favor
  54. Hazel – a compliment for her hazel eyes
  55. Holly – a cute name taken from the holly tree
  56. Honey – an adorable name if she is yellow like honey
  57. Ivy – a plant name meaning faithfulness
  58. Jayla – meaning that your hamster is special
  59. Jingles – a fitting name for a hamster that loves to jingle things around
  60. Joy – for a hamster that gives you a lot of joy
  61. Juliet – if you have a male hamster named Romeo, then you can call her Juliet
  62. Kyla – if your hamster looks lovely, this is a great name
  63. Lady – well, she is a little lady
  64. Lily – a sweet sounding flower name
  65. Lucie – a cute name for a girl hamster
  66. Lulu – a cute name meaning famous warrior
  67. Maggy – a nobble hamster name for her
  68. Midnight – for a hamster with a dark or black fur coat
  69. Mimi – an easy sounding name for a girl hamster
  70. Minnie – if she is super small, call her this name
  71. Missy – a great hamster girl name
  72. Mittens – simply cute
  73. Nibbles – if she likes to nibble on her food
  74. Nutmeg – great name for a hamster whose fur is the color of nutmeg
  75. Peaches – a sweet name if your hamster’s fur is the color of peaches
  76. Pearl – pretty name for a white hamster
  77. Pepper – great name if her fur is the color of pepper
  78. Pinky – a good option if she has a pink nose, mouth or feet
  79. Poppet – an endearing sweet name for a hamster
  80. Precious – because she looks so precious
  81. Princess – great name for a hamster that looks like a princess
  82. Pumpkin – for a round yellow furred hamster
  83. Rosie – a cute name representative of a flower
  84. Ruby – a gemstone name for a red furred hamster
  85. Silver – if her fur has streaks of silver, then this is a cute name for her
  86. Smokey – a fitting name for a grey furred hamster
  87. Snickums – a cute endearing name
  88. Snow White – is she as white as snow? Great name for her
  89. Snowball – an adorable name for a hamster that looks like a ball of snow
  90. Snuffles – a cute name for girl hamster
  91. Sprinkle – if her coat is sprinkled with a different color from the main one
  92. Sugar – pretty name if she is as sweet as sugar
  93. Sweetpea – a great endearing name
  94. Tinkerbell – my favorite name for a hamster that is tiny and cute
  95. Tootsie – a fun name to call your girl hamster
  96. Ulani – a great name meaning light hearted
  97. Victoria – a good name that will make your hamster feel like a conqueror
  98. Whiskas – a cute name for a hamster with long whiskers
  99. Xana – a fitting name for a golden furred hamster
  100. Yonina – little dove
  101. Zoe – cute

Girl Hamster Fruit and Vegetables Pet Names

  1. Peach – is a particularly luscious, juicy fruit with an edible peel and a thick pit in the middle.
  2. Plum – a sweet fruit from subgenus Prunus
  3. Cutie – come from an orange family which also means pretty girl hamster
  4. Guava – small and sweet tropical originated from South and Central America
  5. Kiwi – a name with New Zealand origin which means Gift of God.
  6. Olive – a biblical name which symbolizes peace
  7. Pineapple – queen of all fruits
  8. Papaya – a large oval fruit that’s popular in Mexico
  9. Cherry – wild fruit that holds lots of flavors
  10. Watermelon – is a large berry with vibrant red flesh
  11. Honeydew – a light green melon
  12. Lemon – a refreshing or just plain sour fruit
  13. Grapefruit – is subtropical citrus with a flavor that can range from bittersweet to sour
  14. Apricot – an orange-yellow color and juicy-soft fruit that resembles a peach
  15. Gala – a type of apple that was discovered in New Zealand
  16. Cameo – a type of apple that has a perfect balance of sweet and tart
  17. Apple – is a rounded fruit that has green, red, or yellow skin.
  18. Banana – fruit that is an arched, yellow fruit with a thick skin and soft sweet flesh
  19. Raspberry – a round red edible berries that are smaller than blackberries.
  20. Pear – typically has a light green or brownish skin with firm juicy flesh.

Final Thoughts

The above awesome name suggestions for your girl hamster are all you need to ensure that you are not calling her “girl hamster.” Your hamster is a ball of personality and overall, a healthy hamster is active, alert and sociable.

If you’re thinking of getting your girl a date, then make sure to head out to our list of boy hamster names and choose the best-fitting one.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
  1. Ashleigh

    why would anyone name their hamster pumpkin?

    • Gillian Nothnagel

      I did.

      • Zachary

        Well then you are weird if you did call your hamster "Pumpkin" because my hamster is called "Jojo" and if your asking the name "Jojo" is not from this website.

    • Zachary

      Yeah true weird hamster name.

  2. Barbara kupcis

    i like this page but im i want some think like a grey and white hamster mabey ashes

  3. Ellie

    Why not what’s wrong with calling your hamster pumpkin

    • Peggy Smith

      I feel like most of these names are not for hamster.

      • Zachary


    • Zachary


  4. Alexis

    Why would anyone name ANYTHING Chica Chubb?

  5. Mum❤️

    I whould name it Chica chubb

    • Ron Harris

      That's a great name!

      • Zachary

        True it is a GREAT name

    • Zachary

      Nice hamster name but YOUR real name is probably not "Mum" your child probably calls you that.

  6. Emma

    I like the name Peaches since she is orange and white.. but now im thinking of fanta or apricot bc they both are orange and peach are red-ish..

    • Ron Harris

      LOL that's a fun name!

  7. Lia

    These are great names❤️❤️

    • Zachary

      They are but only some of them.

    • Karlee bug

      I agree and im a kid

    • Karlee bug

      I Agree

  8. Sue

    Pumpkin is an adorable name for a hamster. I can't us it, because that was my nickname for one of my daughters, when she was little. I need a name for a cute Djungarian hamster, who the pet store staff, says, "has an "tude" (attitude). Of course, I brought her home. ALL of the above names are cute, but don't fit this little one.

  9. Vallia Reinheimer

    I have 5 dwarf hamsters and don’t have names for 4 of them but I found out what I should name one of the girls. CLOVER!!!!

  10. Slayer

    my hamster likes to escape so i am getting a new hamster... and btw what is "chocolat" this is very good, but who would name a GIRL hamster banana????? this is just my opinion, but i dont think anything should be named banana except for the actual fruit.

  11. kimberly m saint paul

    I would name a boy hamster lucky and a girl hamster princessa

  12. kate

    I need a name for a female black fancy hamster!!! any names?

    • Stephanie Martinez


  13. J.J

    I got one last week and called it Blossom

    • Karlee bug

      I got one from my cousin and we named her marland

  14. Dineira

    i’m getting a hamster soon, how about the name Lola?!

  15. tater tots owner

    my hamsters name is tater tot

  16. Ella

    I love these names! Excellent grammar and simple but pretty names! I will name my hamster ‘Blossom’. She is always grooming, so she’s always clean and fresh. I’m not too creative with names, so this article really helped. Thanks so much!

  17. Scarlette

    I might get a hamster I want a baby girl but I don't know what do think ? ? ? ?

  18. Izzy

    I need a helpful ideas for two active little girl hamsters but I haven’t found any good names to describe them please help xx

    • Person

      Fizz and Wizz

  19. Staci

    We just buried a panda hamster that we named Sophie. We go by personalities and reactions. She was named Sophie because when we got her she was trying to chew her way out of box and we kept trying to talk to her. We kept saying different names and when the name Sophie came out she calmed down the rest of the way home and so the name stuck with her. Long 15 minute drive home

  20. Karlee bug

    I have one named marland and she was my cousins and im going to change it

  21. Luna

    yall are dumb

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