The 5 Best Bedding For Chinchillas
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Your chinchilla spends the majority of its time in its cage, so you need to make sure that cage is both clean and comfortable.
Most chinchilla cages are primarily made of metal because it is a safe and durable material, but it can be tough on your chinchilla’s paws.
To keep things nice and comfy, be sure to line all platforms as well as the base of your chinchilla cage with some kind of bedding.
In this article, we’ll talk about the basics of caring for a pet chinchilla and provide some tips for choosing the best chinchilla bedding. You’ll also see our top 5 picks for the best chinchilla bedding.
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At a Glance: Best Bedding For Chinchillas To Buy
We highly recommend looking at the comparison table we have below where we highlighted the features of each product. You’ll also find more detailed information about each product later in the article.
Compare Best Bedding For Chinchillas
Natural paper |
Paper |
Natural paper |
Recycled paper |
Natural wood pulp |
178L |
49.2L |
30L |
2130 cu. in. |
60L |
Key Features
100% natural, absorbent, soft |
Key Features
Absorbs 6x its weight in liquid, expands to 3x size |
Key Features
Highly absorbent, controls odor, dust-free |
Key Features
Absorbs 3x weight in moisture, soft |
Key Features
Absorbs 3x weight, expands to 2x volume |
What To Look For In Bedding For Chinchillas
The chinchilla is known for its soft fur, but its skin is soft and sensitive as well – this means you need to keep your chinchilla cage cushioned with bedding. The best bedding for chinchillas will be made from a soft, natural material that helps absorb liquid and odors.
Here Are Some Important Things To Look For In Chinchilla Bedding:
- Natural materials. Chinchilla bedding comes in many forms, but the best kinds are made from natural or recycled materials, so they are safe for your pet.
- Highly absorbent. The purpose of chinchilla bedding is to keep the cage clean and dry, so look for something that absorbs liquid well.
- Low in dust. Though chinchillas are known for taking dust baths, that doesn’t mean they like their bedding to be dusty. Dusty bedding can interfere with your chinchilla’s respiratory system.
- No toxic materials. Avoid chinchilla bedding made with pine shavings or other wood shavings that contain oils that can be harmful to your chinchilla – this includes cedar shavings.
Our Top Picks For The Best Bedding For Chinchillas
Now that you have a better idea what to look for in a chinchilla bedding, it’s time to start shopping! Keep reading to see our top 5 picks for the best chinchilla beddings.
Small Pet Select Natural Paper Bedding
Product Info
- Materials: Natural paper
- Capacity: 178L
- Key Features: 100% natural, absorbent, soft
- Made from 100% natural food-grade materials
- Soft and comfy for your chinchilla’s delicate skin
- Absorbs liquid and odor very well
- May not expand as much as some bedding
- May not control odors as long as some bedding
Kaytee Clean & Cozy Small Animal Bedding
Product Info
- Materials: Paper
- Capacity: 49.2L
- Key Features: Absorbs 6x its weight in liquid, expands to 3x size
- Absorbs 6x its weight in liquid
- Made from all-natural paper materials
- Expands to 3x its packaged size
- May not absorb odors as well as some bedding
- May change color slightly when soiled
Carefresh Small Animal Bedding, Natural
Product Info
- Materials: Natural paper
- Capacity: 30L
- Key Features: Highly absorbent, controls odor, dust-free
- Made from all-natural paper materials
- Offers 10-day odor control
- Absorbs 2x more liquid than wood shavings
- May not be as soft as some beddings
- Does not expand as much as some options
Vitakraft Fresh World Ultra Strength Bedding
Product Info
- Materials: Recycled paper
- Capacity: 2130 cu. in.
- Key Features: Absorbs 3x weight in moisture, soft
- Super soft crumbles ideal for burrowing
- Absorbs 3x its weight in moisture
- Up to 99.5% dust-free formula
- Much finer than most bedding, some chinchillas may not like it
- May not expand as much as some bedding
Healthy Pet HPCC Natural Bedding
Product Info
- Materials: Natural wood pulp
- Capacity: 60L
- Key Features: Absorbs 3x weight, expands to 2x volume
- Made from reclaimed wood pulp materials
- Absorbs 3x its weight in liquid
- Expands to twice its original volume
- Not as attractive as some pet bedding
Tips For Caring For A Chinchilla
Before you bring home your chinchilla, you need to understand its needs. Not only do you need to think about the right diet for your chinchilla, but you also have to design its cage in a way that will provide ample space, enrichment, and exercise.
Here Are Some Simple Tips For Caring For A Chinchilla:
- Choose the largest cage you can afford and fit in your house – chinchillas need a great deal of space (including horizontal) space.
- Feed your chinchilla 2 tablespoons of pellets per day, supplemented with fresh foods and loose feed as 10% of the daily diet.
- Keep your chinchilla cage out of direct sunlight and away from air vents or drafty windows – they require a temperature not above 80°
- Remember that your chinchilla is a nocturnal animal and plan accordingly – your pet still needs socialization and interaction.
- Clean and disinfect your chinchilla cage as often as possible to keep the environment safe and healthy for your pet – remove wet spots daily.
- Provide your chinchilla with the materials to take a dust bath at least twice a week – remove them after 15 to 30 minutes and brush your pet with a soft brush after the bath.
As a pet owner, it is your responsibility to care for your pet, no matter which pet you choose. Chinchillas can be challenging to keep because they have very sensitive stomachs and they require a large, spacious cage. Just make sure that if you decide to get a chinchilla, you can provide for all of its needs.
Final Remarks
Caring for your chinchilla is all about keeping its cage clean and safe. Routine cleaning is required but choosing the right bedding can go a long way. The best chinchilla bedding will be highly absorbent to control liquid and odors, plus it should be soft and comfortable for your pet to burrow in.
If you’re still not sure where to start in looking for chinchilla bedding, try out one of the top 5 best chinchilla beddings we’ve reviewed above. Good luck!