The 5 Best Foods For Parrotlets

birds Parrotlets May 12, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 6, 2025
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The 5 Best Foods For Parrotlets

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As you can probably guess from the name, parrotlets are a very small type of parrot.

These birds are the smallest group of New World parrots, having stocky builds and short tails.

In the wild, parrotlets are known to travel in flocks of up to several hundred birds, and they form tight, lifelong bonds with their chosen mates.

Though small in size, parrotlets have big personalities and make great pets. Caring for parrotlets involves choosing a high-quality diet to meet the bird’s nutritional needs.

Read on to learn more about parrotlets and their dietary requirements. You’ll also see our top 5 picks for the best bird food for parrotlets.

We highly recommend looking at the comparison table we have below where we highlighted the features of each product. You’ll also find more detailed information about each product later in the article.

Compare Best Foods For Parrotlets

Overall Best
ZuPreem Natural Daily Medium Bird Food

1. ZuPreem Natural Daily Medium Bird Food

Runner Up
Harrison's Adult Lifetime Super Fine

2. Harrison's Adult Lifetime Super Fine

Budget Pick
Volkman Seed Avian Science Super Parrotlet

3. Volkman Seed Avian Science Super Parrotlet

Premium Choice
Roudybush Daily Maintenance Mini Bird Food

4. Roudybush Daily Maintenance Mini Bird Food

Best Durable
ZuPreem FruitBlend Flavor with Natural Fruit Flavors Daily Small Bird Food

5. ZuPreem FruitBlend Flavor with Natural Fruit Flavors Daily Small Bird Food

Crude Protein
14.0% Min
Crude Protein
14% Min
Crude Protein
13.50% Min
Crude Protein
11.0% Min
Crude Protein
12.5% Min
Crude Fat
4.0% Min
Crude Fat
6% Min
Crude Fat
8% Min
Crude Fat
6.0% Min
Crude Fat
8.0% Min
Crude Fiber
5% Max
Crude Fiber
4.5% Max
Crude Fiber
7% Max
Crude Fiber
3.5% Max
Crude Fiber
5% Max

What Do You Need to Know About Parrotlets?

Parrotlets look very similar to parakeets in both size and body shape, but they are actually very different. These little birds only grow to 5 inches in length, and they are not quite as common as parakeets.

There are several different species of parrotlet, but only two of them are easy to find in the pet trade – the Pacific parrotlet and the green-rumped parrotlet. In the wild, parrotlets form strong bonds with their chosen mate. Individually, parrotlets make great companions for their owners, though they can be feisty and willful at times.

Hand-fed parrotlets tend to be the friendliest, and these birds tend to lose some of their companionability over time if left alone too long. Many owners choose to keep pairs or small groups of parrotlets.

Though parrotlets may be small, they require a significant amount of cage space. These are very active and playful birds, so they need plenty of space as well as toys to keep them busy. In terms of other care requirements, parrotlets need a healthy, balanced diet.

How To Choose The Best Bird Food For Parrotlets?

Parrotlets food

The ideal diet for parrotlets is a nutritionally balanced pellet supplemented with seeds, fruit, and vegetables.

These birds also need a source of calcium such as a cuttlebone. As is true for all birds, variety is key to ensuring that your parrotlet gets the nutrients it needs.

Here are some things to look for in a diet for parrotlets:

  • Nutritionally balanced pellets – Commercial bird pellets are designed to provide balanced nutrition in every bite, so they should make up 75% to 80% of your bird’s diet.
  • Variety of seeds – Including small amounts of mixed seed will give your parrotlet something new to eat and a variety of different nutrients. Variety is particularly important if you choose not to feed your parrotlet nutritionally balanced commercial pellets.
  • Fruits and vegetables – Any diet for parrotlets should be supplemented with fresh fruits and vegetables to provide key nutrients.
  • Source of calcium – Parrotlets require a source of calcium, ideally a cuttlebone.

Our Top Picks For The Best Foods For Parrotlets

Keep reading to see our top 5 recommendations for the best bird food for parrotlets.

It is your decision whether you feed your parrotlet commercial pellets or a seed-based diet.

Commercial pellets ensure that your parrotlet gets the nutrients it needs in every bite, though some birds are hard to transition onto a pelleted diet from seed.

Regardless which diet you choose, make sure you feed your parrotlet a high-quality product.

Overall Best

ZuPreem Natural Daily Medium Bird Food

Product Info

  • Crude Protein: 14.0% Min
  • Crude Fat: 4.0% Min
  • Crude Fiber: 5% Max

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein: 14%
Crude Fat: 4%
Crude Fiber: 5%
Moisture: 10%

Dry Matter Basis

Protein: 15.56%
Fat: 4.44%
Fiber: 5.56%
Carbs: 74.44%
  • Complete and nutritionally balanced for small birds
  • No artificial preservatives or unnecessary fillers
  • Uniquely formulated for small birds like parrotlets
  • Small pellets can be messy when they break up
  • Some parrotlets don’t like eating pellets
If you’re looking for a wholesome and healthy way to provide for your parrotlet’s nutritional needs, this ZuPreem Natural Bird Food for Small Birds is one of the best options. These commercial pellets are nutritionally balanced to ensure that your parrotlet gets all of the nutrients it needs in every bite. This formula is uniquely developed for small birds, so not only does it provide the right blend of nutrients, but the pellets are perfectly sized for parrotlets. Each pellet contains a precise blend of grains and vegetables and this formula doesn’t contain any artificial preservatives – the only additives are vitamins and minerals that your bird needs.
Runner Up

Harrison's Adult Lifetime Super Fine

Product Info

  • Crude Protein: 14% Min
  • Crude Fat: 6% Min
  • Crude Fiber: 4.5% Max

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein: 14%
Crude Fat: 6%
Crude Fiber: 4.5%
Moisture: 10%

Dry Matter Basis

Protein: 15.56%
Fat: 6.67%
Fiber: 5%
Carbs: 72.78%
  • Nutritionally complete for maintenance of small birds
  • Designed to meet nutritional needs without excess nutrients
  • Free from chemicals and artificial ingredients
  • Lack of preservatives means food only lasts 4 to 6 weeks after opening
  • Pellets may be too large for some birds
Parrotlets are very small birds and it is important to help them maintain a healthy weight throughout their life. That’s why this Harrison’s Bird Food Adult Lifetime Super Fine Pellets is a great choice, because it is designed for maintenance. It contains all of the nutrients your parrotlet needs for balanced nutrition and good health without excess vitamins or minerals.

This formula is uniquely designed for small birds like parrotlets and for non-breeding, non-molting birds. It is completely free from chemicals and artificial ingredients, so you can rest easy knowing that your parrotlets are only getting the best of the best.
Budget Pick

Volkman Seed Avian Science Super Parrotlet

Product Info

  • Crude Protein: 13.50% Min
  • Crude Fat: 8% Min
  • Crude Fiber: 7% Max

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein: 13.5%
Crude Fat: 8%
Crude Fiber: 7%
Ash: 4.25%

Dry Matter Basis

Protein: 13.5%
Fat: 8%
Fiber: 7%
Carbs: 67.25%
  • Wide variety of seeds and grains for birds who like variety
  • Nutritionally balanced as a whole with seed, grains, fruits, and veggies
  • High-quality ingredients and no artificial additives
  • Large 20-pound bag may take a long time to use up
  • No guarantee of balanced nutrition in each bite (due to variety of ingredients)
If you prefer to feed your parrotlets a seed blend rather than a commercial pellet, this Volkman Seed Company Avian Science Super Parrotlet formula is a great option. It features a wide variety of seeds including safflower, sunflower, and pumpkin as well as a mixture of grains like buckwheat, corn, and wheat.

Each bag also contains a blend of nuts and dried fruits and vegetables to ensure nutritional balance throughout the formula. The only potential problem is that it comes in a 20-pound bag which may take quite a while to use if you only have one or two parrotlets.
Premium Choice

Roudybush Daily Maintenance Mini Bird Food

Product Info

  • Crude Protein: 11.0% Min
  • Crude Fat: 6.0% Min
  • Crude Fiber: 3.5% Max

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein: 11%
Crude Fat: 6%
Crude Fiber: 3.5%
Moisture: 12%

Dry Matter Basis

Protein: 12.5%
Fat: 6.82%
Fiber: 3.98%
Carbs: 76.7%
  • Uniquely formulated and sized for small birds 3 inches and larger
  • Nutritionally complete and balanced in every bite
  • No artificial additives, colors, or sugars
  • Some birds are resistant to a pelleted diet
  • Pellets may still be too large for some birds
For a nutritionally balanced diet for your parrotlet, consider this RoudyBush Daily Maintenance Mini Pellets formula. This formula is uniquely designed for birds 3 inches and larger, including parrotlets, so it comes in a miniature pellet and can also be broken down into crumbles.

These pellets are completely balanced in terms of nutrition, so you don’t need any supplements. The recipe is scientifically formulated and doesn’t contain any added sugars, colors, or artificial preservatives.
Best Durable

ZuPreem FruitBlend Flavor with Natural Fruit Flavors Daily Small Bird Food

Product Info

  • Crude Protein: 12.5% Min
  • Crude Fat: 8.0% Min
  • Crude Fiber: 5% Max

Guaranteed Analysis

Crude Protein: 14%
Crude Fat: 4%
Crude Fiber: 3.5%
Moisture: 10%

Dry Matter Basis

Protein: 15.56%
Fat: 4.44%
Fiber: 3.89%
Carbs: 76.11%
  • Each bite contains 21 vitamins and minerals
  • Complete and balanced nutrition for small birds
  • Unique variety of fruit flavors
  • Some birds don’t like pellets
  • Pellets may break apart easily and make a mess
If your parrotlets prefer fruit flavors over traditional pellets, this Zupreem Avian Maintenance FruitBlend Diet for Small Birds is a good choice. This formula consists of nutritionally balanced pellets with a unique fruit blend flavor.

Your parrotlets will find the flavors they like but you’ll rest easy knowing that the bird’s nutritional needs are being met. Each bite contains 21 vitamins and minerals and there are no artificial preservatives or unnecessary ingredients.

How Much Should You Feed Your Parrotlets?

Parrotlets are very small, so they don’t require a large volume of food. The amount you feed them depends on whether you’re feeding a seed blend or pellets, but for the most part you’ll be feeding your parrotlet about 1 to 3 tablespoons daily with small bits of fresh fruits and vegetables.

How Many Times a Day Should You Feed Your Parrotlets?

Most birds tend to eat small amounts throughout the day, so plan to feed your parrotlet a day’s worth of food once a day and let the bird eat as it likes. Provide fresh water on a daily basis and make sure to thoroughly clean the food dish before refilling it.

Final Remarks

When it comes to feeding your parrotlets, you need to decide between a commercial pellet and a nutritionally balanced seed blend. Whichever you choose, make sure to select a high-quality product. If you’re not sure where to start shopping for parrotlet food, try one of our top 5 picks reviewed above!

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Kate Barrington is avid pet lover and adoring owner of three cats and one dog, her love for animals has led her to a successful career as a freelance writer specializing in pet care and nutrition. She has been writing about pet care and pet products since 2010
  1. Chris

    Hi there,I have a parrotlet I'm just wanting to know are there any fruit and veg she shouldn't have.Thank you

    • Kate Barrington

      Hi Chris! Your parrotlet can have small amounts of fresh fruit as long as there are no seeds or pits. No onions, spinach, tomatoes, potatoes, or mushrooms.

  2. Malu

    I have a parrotlet and i offer her pieces of apple or lettuce or strawberry and she did not eat any. Is this normal?

    • Kate Barrington

      Hey Malu, it shouldn't be a problem! Birds can be picky about new foods, so maybe try offering a different option once a day to see what your parrotlet likes.

  3. Ariaman Ladha

    How much food should I feed my parrotlet in total? 3 tablespoons total or more or less?

    • Kate Barrington

      Hey Ariaman! Recommendations for parrotlets are generally 1 to 3 tablespoons, depending whether you feed a seed mix or pellets. Follow the recommendations on the package. You'll also want to offer small amounts of fresh fruits and veggies on top of that.

  4. ali

    I have 2 parrolets one female and one male and the female is laying eggs and the male is breaking them can you tell me why and how to let the male dont break it

    • Kate Barrington

      Hi Ali, so sorry to hear about this issue! Sometimes when it is a male parrot breaking the eggs it helps to switch to a deeper, more narrow nest. It could also be a problem with poor nutrition. If you're feeding a seed mix, you could try adding in some nutritionally balanced pellets and supplement with fresh fruits and veggies. You could even try feeding small amounts of scrambled egg with the shell, in case the parrotlet is breaking the eggs because he likes to eat them. Good luck!

  5. Omar

    hello i have 2 parrotlets male and female they dont have babies so if i bring for them a small parrotlet will they kill him or the will take crae of him

  6. ali

    hello i have 2 parrotlets male and female they dont have babies so if i bring for them a small parrotlet will they kill him or the will take crae of him

  7. Omar

    I have the same problem as ali if I got a new small parrotlet will they take care of him

  8. chris

    can you tell me how to let my female parrotlet stop nipping me btw she has an egg

  9. Nora McFall

    I have found some really good information on Parrotlets and the food needed for a healthy happy little bird

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