125 Good Parrotlet Names

birds Parrotlets May 5, 2022
Written by | Updated Feb 24, 2025
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125 Good Parrotlet Names

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Your parrotlet will need a name befitting of its beauty and vibrant color. Here are
our top picks for male, female and unisex names.

Male Names

You might want to choose one of these masculine names for your Parrotlet:

1. Chippie– This name can mean a happy personality or a talkative bird.
2. Beaker– A play on words that makes for a cute name.
3. Beanie– This cute name is great for parrotlets.
4. Wasabi– The green paste is a good name for a parrotlet.
5. Petie– Names that start with “P” are great for parrot species.
6. Kirby– This cuddly, lovable name is good for your small bird.
7. Pirate– Parrot species are often associated with pirates.
8. Pegleg– A good pirate name for your bird.
9. Jack Sparrow– It’s a name with pirate and bird references!
10. Tommaso– A fun name with an exotic touch.
11. Midnight– Good for birds with some dark coloring.
12. Ninja– Good for dark parrotlets or those with grey in their coloring.
13. Cowboy– A fun name for your adventurous bird.
14. Desperado– Another good, adventurous name.
15. Pennyworth– A more distinguished name you might want to try.
16. Tuxedo– Keeping the distinguished name theme going.
17. Typhoon– You could give your bird a powerful name.
18. Storm Cloud– Here is another powerful weather name.
19. Jude– A male version of the name Jade.
20. Oliver– Like the green olives you eat.21. Gordon- A nice, normal name you might like.
22. Yoda– Like the green Star Wars character.
23. Oscar– Like the green Sesame Street character.
24. Bud– A friendly name for your bird.
25. Finn– A good, solid name for your pet.
26. Chappie– Another friendly name that means “pal”.
27. Dewey– This name has a tender connotation to it.
28. Mossy– You could choose a green plant name.
29. Fungus– Or you could try this plant name.
30. Milo– Here is a fun name for a parrotlet.
31. Turtle– You could go with this funny animal name.
32. Ike– A god name for a pair of birds, with the other being named Tina.
33. Quackers– Here is a funny name you could try.
34. Sonic– Use this for a fast bird.
35. Tails– This video game character’s name is good for a bird that’s fast as well.
36. Maverick– For a bird that plays by his own rules.
37. Frodo– Good for short birds like parrotlets.
38. Pipsqueak– Another good short bird name.
39. Sprout– A fun, short bird moniker.
40. Mr. Bean– This funny name brings to mind green beans.

Female Names

Here are some great female names for your Parrotlet:

41. Jewel– A lovely stone is a good fit for your female bird.
42. Daisy– Or you could name her after a flower.43. Bella- Try this popular girl’s name.
44. Sparkle– You may want to go with a fun, adorable name like this.
45. Duchess– You could name your bird after royalty.
46. Jade– You could also use variations like Jada or Jaden
47. Emerald– Green jewels make for good parrotlet names.
48. Xena– If your bird is a fighter, you can name her after the warrior princess.
49. Pixie– This is a cute, magical name you might want to use.
50. Haley– You could try this common girl’s name.
51. Buttons– This is a very cute name for your cute bird.
52. Nymph– You could use a name with some magic.
53. Mermaid– Mermaids have green, just like your parrotlet.
54. Pear– Short for parrotlet and named after the green fruit.
55. Margalo– Here is a fun one you might want to use.
56. Mrs. Moneypenny– This is a distinguished and funny name.
57. Gypsy– This name has some mystery to it.
58. Rosa– You could choose this variation on Rose.
59. Bonita– This lovely name means beautiful.
60. Stella– This is a good choice for any bird type.
61. Penny– This cutesy name is a good pick.
62. Tickles– You could give your parrotlet a cute name.
63. Jasmine– You could name her after a Disney princess.
64. Bianca– A sweet name for your lovely bird.
65. Padme– Named after the Star Wars princess.
66. Esmeralda– A fun take on your bird’s emerald color.67. Maya- This lovely Latina name is perfect for parrotlets.
68. Harley– You could choose this popular name for your bird.
69. Sapphire– You could give your bird a sparkly name.
70. Minx– Or you could try this alluring-sounding name.
71. Venus– Your bird could be named after the goddess of beauty.
72. Dusty– Or you can choose something mysterious for parrotlets with some grey
in them.
73. Petite– Try this one for a smaller bird.
74. Jinx– Give your bird a sense of danger.
75. Anastasia– Or you could go with a regal name like this Russian princess.
76. Avi– Short for avian.
77. Kiki– This is a short, cute name for your short, cute bird.
78. Trixie– This name has a sense of fun about it.
79. Zizi– We love how cute and fun this name sounds too.
80. Willow– You may want something a bit edgy and hippie for your pet.

Unisex Names

You can use these names whether you have male or female Parrotlet:

81. Polly– This is a true classic bird name.
82. Vine– Named after the green plant.
83. Kiwi– Named after the green fruit.
84. Baby Blue– Good for birds with some blue in their coloring.
85. Tiki– A fun, tropical name for your bird.
86. Nipper– For birds who like to bite.
87. Scooter– Save this one for a fast bird.
88. Sunny– You could use a name that mean happy or bright.89. Snowman- This is perfect for lighter colored birds with some blue on them.
90. Aqua– Here is a good choice for birds with green and blue coloring.
91. Peanut– This name has a “small” meaning.
92. Tiny– Another small name here, which is good for tiny parrotlets.
93. Snack– This could mean your bird is small, and it is a cutesy, funny name too.
94. Gelato– Here is another funny name with some green indications.
95. Pickles– Our favorite funny name for green birds.
96. Pumpkin– You could give your bird a sweet food name.
97. Sweet Pea– This is another sweet name with green connotations.
98. Pod– This one means small, cute and green.
99. Fern– Green plant names work well for these small birds.
100. Oreo– Good for birds with some darker, grey coloring.
101. Sky– If your bird has blue in its coloring, you may want to use this name.
102. Star– Give your bird this name if it is the sparkle of your eye.
103. Bird– You could go very literal with the naming.
104. Fruit Loop- Or you could choose a colorful name for your colorful pet.
105. Rainbow– Here is another very colorful name.
106. Fluffy– You could opt for a cutesy, lovable name.
107. Twitch– Describes small bird movements very well.
108. Twitter– A fun, topical name for a pet bird.
109. Nibbles– For birds who love to eat.
110. Pepper– Good for birds with some grey in their coloring.
111. Doodlebug– Here is one of our favorite cutesy names.
112. River– Good for birds that have some blue on them.113. Jamaica- Try a tropical place name for your tropical parrotlet.
114. Tobago– Here is another good tropical place name.
115. Mango– Tropical fruit names work well too.
116. Coco– This is a fun name with a tropical sound to it.
117. Fuzzy– Here is a loveable name for your bird.
118. Cricket– Small animal names work well for these diminutive birds.
119. Grasshopper– This one is perfect since grasshoppers are green like your bird.
120. Crumb– And finally, here is another great name for a small pet.

Hopefully, you found a great name from this list for your adorable Parrotlet.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
  1. Omar

    i really like the name kirby

  2. Linda

    I had a pair of parrotlets. Named them Pete & Rose (baseball fans will get it).

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