French Cat Names

100 Cat Names
French Cat Names
Looking for unusual cat name ideas? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve created the ultimate list of French cat names. Your pet is one of a kind – and having a French name is the perfect way to celebrate tradition while giving your cat a unique name that sets them apart from the rest.
Coco Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 224
Means night, fits a black pet
Fleur Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 175
Means flower for a gentle and beautiful pet
Fabien Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means bean farmer for your small pet
Mousse Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
A sweet and spongy food made from cream and eggs
Oliver Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Refers to the olive tree, fits a friendly and peaceful pet
Eclair Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 154
Means flash of lightning for a swift and bright pet
Bebe Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means baby for your small and playful pet
Juliette Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means youthful for an energetic and jovial pet
Montpellier Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
A city in southern France
Vivienne Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For a lively and cheerful pet
Gérard Depardieu Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
An award-winning French actor
Fondue Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
A dish made of melted cheese or chocolate
Narcissique Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Suits a pet who likes to be praised and admired
Croissant Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
A crescent shaped roll made of yeast dough eaten for breakfast
Cherie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Mean darling for an adorable pet
Giselle Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Refers to pledge for your trustworthy and gracious pet
Yves Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means yew wood for a strong and athletic pet
Fille Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means a girl
Coquelicot Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For a red-haired pet
Delphine Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means dolphin for your brilliant and adventurous pet
Esme Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means esteem for a dear pet you love very much
Baguette Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
A long loaf of French bread made from lean dough
Éclair Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
A long sweet pastry made with choux dough filled with cream and topped with chocolate icing
Antoinette Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Queen of France during French revolution and wife of King Lois XVI

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More french cat names continued

Versailles Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
A city in Yvelines department northern France whose palaces housed kings during the French revolution
Lyon Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a brave and fierce pet like a lion
Camille Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For an innocent and well-matured pet
Adele Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a pet of noble origin
Coquette Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a charming pet
Brigitte Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Refers to a firm and strong woman
Belle Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means beautiful for your lovely pet
Mille-feuille Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
French pastry consisting of thin layers filled with jam and cream
Avignon Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
For a pet who’s from the southeastern France city by this name
Franc Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
For a noble and independent pet
Croquembouche Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
A French corn shaped dessert made by pilling vanilla pastry cream and caramel dipped profiteroles
Lille Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Then capital city of Hauts-de-France region
Magnifique Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Means magnificent for a beautiful and glorious pet
Louis Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Refers to a famous warrior
Chevrefeuille Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Refers to honeysuckles which have twining vines, suits a sweet pet
Rendez-vous Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Means meeting for your punctual pet
Ganache Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
A creamy icing made of chocolate and cream
Chanceux Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
For a fortunate pet who brings you good luck
Beau Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
For a handsome pet
Parfait Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means perfect for an adorable pet
Noir Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
For a pet with a dark coat
Bijou Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means jewel for a valuable and lovable pet
Tintin Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Suits a triumphant pet
Remy Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means oarsman for an energetic and athletic pet

Cat Names A-Z

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Cat Names by Origin

More french cat names continued

Délicieux Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
For your charming and sweet pet
Bardot Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Named after a French actress and animal activist
William the Conquerer Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Mightiest noble of France who became King of England
Chanel Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Refers to the dweller of the canal
Libellule Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Refers to dragonfly suits a pet who quickly adapts to situations
Paris Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
The capital city of France
Asterix Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Refers to little star
Rififi Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
For a fierce pet
Milou Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Refers to a famed warrior
Hugo Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Suits an intelligent and free-spirited pet
Niçoise Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means nice for your friendly and cute pet
Clementine Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means mercy for your gracious pet
Monet Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Mean to be heard
Gaston Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means from Gascony
Matisse Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means gift of God
Papillon Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Refers to a wonderful butterfly for your lovely and delicate pet
Eloise Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
for an intelligent and creative pet
Cosette Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Suits a victorious pet
Amie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means dearly loved for a beautiful and lovable pet
Pascal Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For a pet born during Easter
Amoureux Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For an affectionate pet
Souffle Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 49
A dished made of baked beaten egg york and egg white and other ingredients
Grand-père Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 49
Refers to grandfather for an intelligent and aged pet
Andre Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 49
For a brave and strong pet
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