Celtic Cat Names

111 Cat Names
Celtic Cat Names
Looking for unusual cat name ideas? You’ve come to the right place! We’ve created the ultimate list of Celtic cat names. Your pet is one of a kind – and having a Celtic name is the perfect way to celebrate tradition while giving your cat a unique name that sets them apart from the rest.
Reaghan Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
Means nobility for a majestic pet
Oriana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For a pet with a blond coat
Darcy Female Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For your pet with dark hair
Rowena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For a pet with a white coat
Brendt Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means hilltop for a huge and vigilant pet
Vaughn Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
For a young minute pet
Kayne Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Give this name to an intelligent pet
Deidre Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Give your quiet pet this name
Ardena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For a curious and eager pet
Domhnall Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means a stranger for your pet who’s unpredictable
Afric Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means agreeable for an easy to please pet
Bran Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means raven for a pet with a black coat
Owyn Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means young fighter for your brave champion
Arela Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Refers to an oath
Arden Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
A diminutive of the name Ardena
Muriel Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Mean shinny sea for a pet with a bright coat
Orin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a white-coated pet
Iden Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means wealthy
Lavena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means joy precisely what your pet gives you
Gwenneth Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Suits a generous and good-natured pet
Iona Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Mean from the king's island
Evelina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means light, perfect for your cheerful pet
Ewyn Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means young ideal for your playful pet
Setanta Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
The mythical son of Sualtam

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More celtic cat names continued

Adra Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Suits an intelligent and strong pet
Keelin Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
For a beautiful pet who’s also delicate
Beatha Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
For a cheerful pet who’s full of life
Cahal Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Refers to a worrier who’s strong in battle
Cara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Refers to a dear friend
Sawyer Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Means wood cutter
Lir Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
The mythical king of the sea
Varden Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Means from the green hill
Devin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Means a poet for a creative and talented pet
Merlin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Perfect name for your pet who’s from hill over the sea
Gilda Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
A diminutive of the name Gildas meaning serves God
Bridgette Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Mythical goddess of fire and poetry
Neese Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Means choice
Pert Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
From the thorny bush
Berta Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means splendid, suits a lovely pet
Kennocha Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means lovely
Gwendolin Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
For a pet with a white brow
Floyd Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
For a pet with a gray coat
Macklin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means son of Flann, red-haired
Kelvin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means from a narrow river for your free-spirited pet
Brietta Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means exalted one
Mirna Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
For a calm and tender pet
Ginessa Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means white as a form
Alan Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
For a cute and cheerful pet

Cat Names A-Z

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Cat Names by Origin

More celtic cat names continued

Oifa Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
The mythical sister of Ove
Maccus Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means hammer for an energetic and fierce pet
Mavelle Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Refers to songbird for your cheerful pet who loves music
Deva Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Refers to the divine one
Ula Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means sea jewel for your precious pet
Alys Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Suits a kind and dependable pet
Karney Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means fighter, suits a brave pet
Carey Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means the dark one
Eghan Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Give your passionate and enthusiastic pet this name
Bredon Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Refers to a sword for your fierce pet
Anann Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Give this name to your unique pet
Nola Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means famous for a popular and fair pet
Airell Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Refers to a nobleman for a well-behaved pet
Tristian Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Tragic hero and Knight of the round table in Arthurian legend
Aife Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Name her after a warrior princess
Mabon Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
The mythical god of youth
Anwell Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means beloved
Aina Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
For a pet who forever gives you joy
Donaghy Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Refers to a strong fighter for your courageous pet
Grania Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Means love for your passionate pet
Winnie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For a fair pet with a soft white coat
Attie Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For a pet who’s as strong as a bear
Kirwin Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For a dark-haired pet
Druce Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Means wise man
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