Egyptian Dog Names

100 Dog Names
Egyptian Dog Names
Many of the most unique dog names come from Egyptian. That’s where our list comes in! Keep reading to find Egyptian pet names to help your dog stand out.
Nefer Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 147
For a beautiful and gracious pet with good luck
Mohamed Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
Suite a trustworthy and praiseworthy pet
Mahmoud Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For a praiseworthy pet
Jabare Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 140
For a pet famous for his bravery
Seth Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
God of darkness, chaos and confusion
Jana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Means gift from God for your adorable pet
Onuris Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
An Egyptian god of war
Raneem Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 133
Refers to a sweet singing voice
Mayar Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Means moonlight for a pet with a shiny silvery coat
Osiris Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Mythical god of the underworld and judge of the dead
Mido Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
For a pet who deserves your praise
Aya Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 126
Name her after the ancient Egyptian kings' wife of the thirteenth dynasty
Abdallah Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means servant of Allah for your loyal pet
Amirah Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Refers to a royal lady or princess
Salma Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a peaceful pet you feel safe around
Berenike Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
Means bearer of victory for a triumphant pet
Karim Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a generous and noble pet
Alaa Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 119
For a noble pet full of greatness
Seb Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
God of the earth
Khepri Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Scarab faced god in ancient Egypt who represented morning sun for your cheerful pet
Aten Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 112
Means sun disc for an energetic and cheerful pet
Satet Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
The archer goddess of the Nile
Necho Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
The pharaoh of the 26th Dynasty
Nephi Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Means sea captain for your brave pet who loves to play in the water

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More egyptian dog names continued

Scarab Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 105
Egyptian dung battle symbol representing rebirth and resurrection
Rana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
For a cute and elegant pet
Nefertiti Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
The powerful queen in the 18th dynasty of Egypt; the name means the beautiful one has arrived
Angie Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Means messenger for your loyal pet
Husani Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Means handsome
Maat Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 98
Egyptian mystical goddess of order and justice
Kosey Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means lion for a brave and strong pet
Shena Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means god is gracious
Heba Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Means generous gift of God
Selket Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Ancient Egyptian goddess of the dead symbolized as scorpion who protected souls in the afterlife journey
Mostafa Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Refers to the chosen one
Canon Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 91
Canon of kings refers to the list of Pharaohs in ancient Egypt
Hamada Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
For a praiseworthy pet
Shani Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means wonderful woman
Min Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
God of fertility
Ayman Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Suits a blessed and lucky pet
Mustafa Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Prophet Muhammad’s name
Ahmed Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
For a highly adored pet
Ali Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 84
Means elevated for a pet full of greatness
Shabti Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Ancient Egypt funerary figures who accompanied the dead to afterlife referred to as answerers
Chione Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Mythical daughter of the Nile
Amal Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Means pure for a clean pet with a bright coat
Aker Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
The ancient Egyptian god of earth and deification of the horizon
Khonsu Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 77
Traveller and god of the moon for your adventurous and outgoing pet

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Dog Names by Origin

More egyptian dog names continued

Amenti Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means ffrom the west where the sun sets
Baal Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Refers to Lord of the earth
Bastet Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Ancient Egyptian goddess of protection and cats, who protected homes from evil spirits and diseases
Eslam Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
Means submission to God
Muhammad Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
For your commendable pet
Zaru Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
An ancient town in Delta
Bau Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
The goddess of abundance, for your pet who takes care of everyone
Phoenix Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 70
A mythological immortal bird that arose from ashes associated with the worship of the sun
Horus Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
God of light in Egyptian mythology
Anubis Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
God of the dead to the underworld; protector of the dead
Masuda Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
For a happy and joyful pet
Ra Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
The ancient Egyptian sun god
Youssef Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means God increases
Sara Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Means princess for your noble and majestic pet
Miro Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
For your peaceful pet
Sah Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 63
Refers to father of gods who welcomed kings in the afterlife
Tefnut Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Egyptian goddess of dew and rain
Lapis Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
For a precious pet with blue eyes like lapis stone
Jomana Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Means silver pearl for your valuable pet with a grey coat
Maye Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Refers to Amun’s beloved one
Kissa Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
Refers to the sister of twins
Tiye Female
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 56
The deity of light, suits an adventurous pet
Montu Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 49
Ancient Egyptian war god who reunited lower and upper Egypt
Odion Male
Upvote Upvoted Upvote 49
Means born of twins
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