Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber?

Guinea Pigs May 11, 2022
Written by | Updated Oct 6, 2024
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber?

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cucumber?

Most people like cucumbers: After all, they’re crunchy, refreshing, and mild-flavored – the perfect addition to salad!

The question is, can guinea pigs have cucumbers? Is it safe to feed cucumber to a guinea pig?

The short answer is yes – but there’s a little more to learn before you head for the fridge and fetch a cucumber for your cavy.

Keep on reading for the complete scoop on cucumbers for guinea pigs.

Cucumber Nutrition Stats

There’s a big reason why people sometimes choose to nibble on cucumber slices instead of choosing potato chips: Cukes are a little crunchy, they go very well with all sorts of toppings and dips, and they’re super low in calories!

In a big one-cup serving of cucumber slices, you get approximately:

  • 15 calories
  • 8 g carbohydrates
  • .6 g fiber
  • .6 g protein
  • .2 g fat

Cucumber Nutritional Facts

Here’s one more thing to love about cucumbers (for yourself and your cavy!) they’re very hydrating, particularly when the weather is hot and dry. More important, they offer quite a nice array of essential nutrients.

That same cup of sliced cucumber offers:

  • 17 mcg vitamin K
  • 3 mg vitamin C
  • .1 mg vitamin B6
  • 6 mg magnesium
  • 13 mg potassium

It’s true that you’d have to eat a lot of cucumbers to get a major nutritional punch, but the benefits are definitely there! Also, the nutrients are mostly contained in the skin and in the area right underneath the skin.

If you peel your cucumbers, the nutritional profile changes quite a bit.

Can Guinea Pigs Have Cucumber?

Yes! Cucumber treats are fantastic for guinea pigs, but there are a couple of things to keep in mind during preparation:

  • First, really scrub the cucumber well to make sure that there’s no wax or other residue remaining on the skin. If you can’t remove all of the wax, go ahead and peel the cucumber. While food-grade wax is OK for humans to eat, it might cause some digestive trouble for your guinea pig.
  • Second, make sure that the cucumber is nice and fresh. This same bit of advice applies to all the natural treats you feed your cavy; it’s always a good idea to remove anything that looks wilted or stale from their habitat. Spoiled food can make your guinea pig very sick.

Is Cucumber Good For Guinea Pigs?

Thanks to the fact that cucumber is brimming with important nutrients, it is great for guinea pigs – particularly when you can leave the bright green peels on. Your cavy still needs other foods – but as snacks go, cucumber is a fantastic choice.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Cucumber?

Since most guinea pigs enjoy fresh, crunchy veggies, almost all of them like cucumbers. Of course there are exceptions but they’re few and far between! Give your cavy a slice of cucumber sometime and see how they respond. Most will happily munch away.

How Much Cucumber Can A Guinea Pig Eat?

Good question! Here’s how much cucumber to feed your guinea pig:

Age Amount
Baby guinea pig None
Adult guinea pig 1 or 2 ½ inch thick slices of cucumber

That’s not much, is it? Here’s the thing: Very watery foods can sometimes lead to diarrhea, particularly when your pet isn’t accustomed to them.

You’ll want to start slowly when introducing cucumber to your guinea pig, offering about half a slice and watching for about twelve hours to ensure that no diarrhea occurs. If everything seems fine, you can increase to a full slice and progress from there until your guinea pig is eating an entire serving of cucumber at once.

How Often Can A Guinea Pig Eat Cucumbers?

When offering cucumber as a treat for your cavy, two to three times per week is enough. After all, you want them to fill up on more nutritious food. The more variety, the better.

In hot weather, you might be able to give your guinea pig a little bit of cucumber as part of a daily salad – but only if there are no signs of diarrhea.

The Correct Diet Is Important

A guinea pig’s natural diet consists almost exclusively of grasses and other plants with leaves that grow no  more than a few inches off the ground. That’s why cavies thrive when their daily intake consists mostly of hay!

Here’s what your guinea pig’s daily diet should look like:

  • Guinea pig pellets fortified with vitamin C ( Brands vary so be sure to check the package to see how much you should offer per serving)
  • Fresh hay such as Timothy hay – unlimited amount for nibbling, nesting, and tunneling
  • Approximately one cup of fresh veggies, preferably divided into two little meals
  • Fresh, clean water – change your guinea pig’s water at least once per day and rinse the drinking bottle each time

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Cucumbers In A Guinea Pig’s Diet?

Guinea pigs are famous for enjoying a huge variety of foods – particularly vegetables and fruits. You have lots of different options when deciding what treats to offer your guinea pig.

Here’s a quick list of veggies most guineas like:

  • broccoli
  • brussels sprouts
  • cilantro
  • parsley
  • mint
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • basil
  • carrot
  • carrot tops
  • arugula
  • spinach
  • swiss chard
  • bell pepper
  • endive
  • bok choy
  • asparagus
  • yu choy
  • cauliflower
  • watercress
  • sweet potato
  • cabbage
  • romaine
  • butter lettuce
  • zucchini
  • pumpkin
  • summer squash
  • artichoke
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • escarole
  • rocket
  • parsnip
  • green beans
  • tomato
  • broccolini

Even though this list offers lots of options, it’s fairly short considering that guinea pigs can eat a wide variety of veggies and fruits!

Here’s where we put on our serious faces and remind you to check into every new food you consider feeding your guinea pig. Certain foods are toxic and you’ll want to avoid them at all costs.

Others should be fed in limited amounts, so it’s equally important to check serving sizes and frequency.

Giving your guinea pig healthy, natural treats like cucumber is a great way to show affection while contributing to their wellbeing!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is cucumber safe for guinea pigs?

Yes! Cucumbers are perfectly safe for cavies to eat. Remember to wash the cucumber well to remove any traces of potentially harmful chemicals.

Can cucumbers make my guinea pig sick?

Yes, there’s a slight chance that cucumbers could make your guinea pig sick. Watch for diarrhea – it’s a sign that your furry friend may have eaten too much cucumber at once.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
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