Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cabbage?
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Cabbage is a versatile, delicious vegetable, and there are lots of different varieties to try!
The question is, can a guinea pig have cabbage, and if so, how much of it can they eat?
As it turns out, the quick answer is “yes,” guinea pigs are able to have some cabbage but there are definite limits when it comes to the amount they can eat as well as how often it should be part of their menu.
Luckily, we’re here with the answers to all of your questions about cabbage for guinea pigs.
Keep reading: You’ll be well-informed in no time!
Cabbage Nutrition Stats

Cabbage is a high-fiber vegetable that’s absolutely brimming with essential nutrients!
If you ate a one-cup serving of raw cabbage, you’d get:
- 22 calories
- 2 g carbohydrates
- 2 g fiber
- 1 g protein
Cabbage Nutritional Facts
Just like you, guinea pigs need plenty of vitamins and minerals each day, along with a good dose of antioxidants. Some of those needs can be met with cabbage.
That same one-cup serving provides approximately:
- 6 mg vitamin C
- 2 iu vitamin A
- 151 mg potassium
- 6 mg calcium
- 7 mg magnesium
- 4 mg iron
- 3 mcg folate
- 1 mg vitamin E
- 6 mcg vitamin K
- 1 mg phosphorus
Can Guinea Pigs Have Cabbage?
Yes, but you’ll need to be careful about how much you offer at one time since cabbage can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
It’s worth noting that there are many different kinds of cabbage, and all of them are OK for your cavy to eat. If you’re trying to find the best kind, consider offering red cabbage instead of a green variety as it contains a little more vitamin C.
Are Cabbage Good For Guinea Pigs?
Absolutely! Cabbage is very good for guinea pigs so long as you don’t feed too much at once or offer it too often.
Do Guinea Pigs Like Cabbage?
Guinea pigs have differing opinions about cabbage. While most of them seem to enjoy it, there are a few outliers who don’t like the taste or smell of cabbage. The best way to tell if your cavy likes cabbage is to offer a little nibble and see how they respond!
How much cabbage can a guinea pig eat?

There are definite limits on certain fresh foods for guinea pigs and cabbage is one that you’ll want to be careful with, particularly when you’re first introducing it to your cavy’s diet.
Here’s how much cabbage to feed your guinea pig:
Age | Amount |
Baby guinea pig | None |
Adult guinea pig | 1 tablespoon shredded cabbage |
Since cabbage can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea, it’s very important not to give your guinea pig too much, or to offer it on the same day as you feed other foods that can cause gas such as asparagus, cauliflower, or broccoli.
There’s more: Be sure to introduce cabbage really slowly to give your guinea pig’s digestive system a chance to adjust. Start with just a little pinch and gradually increase their serving size over the next few weeks until they’re eating the full amount.
Keep a close eye on your guinea pig after cabbage has been offered, watching for signs of bloating or discomfort, and checking for diarrhea. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, you’ll want to cut back on cabbage.
How often can a guinea pig eat cabbage?
Since cabbage can produce gas, it’s not a good food for your guinea pig to eat every day. The good news is that you can give your guinea pig cabbage once or twice per week alongside the rest of their veggies!
The Correct Diet is Important
Guinea pigs have fairly simple needs as their natural diet is uncomplicated. Still, it’s very important to feed your guinea pig correctly, focusing on foods that are similar to the grasses and leafy, low-lying plants they eat in the wild.
Your guinea pig’s daily diet should include:
- A serving of high-quality guinea pig food that is fortified with vitamin C. Check the package to determine how much food to give your guinea pig each day.
- As much fresh hay as your guinea pig can eat. Timothy hay and a few other types of guinea pig approved hay replaces grass in your guinea pig’s diet, plus it gives your cavy something to nibble on.
- Unlimited amounts of clean, fresh water. Remember to refill your guinea pig’s drinking bottle and rinse it each day.
- Approximately one cup of fresh veggies, divided into two separate servings. Your guinea pig should eat a variety of fresh foods each day and different foods throughout the week.
Fun fact: Guinea pigs’ teeth never stop growing. This means it’s up to us to help them keep their teeth worn down to the correct length.
The best way to prevent your guinea pig’s teeth from becoming painful and overgrown is to ensure that they have 24/7 access to safe guinea pig chew toys, hay cubes, or apple wood sticks.
What are other healthy alternatives to cabbage in a guinea pig’s diet?
Guinea pigs can get all the nutrients they need from their pelleted food, but they do best when you give them a variety of fresh, natural treats.
Here’s a list of vegetables that most guinea pigs really enjoy:
- asparagus
- artichoke
- basil
- cilantro
- mint
- parsley
- carrot
- carrot tops
- romaine
- beets
- beet tops
- arugula
- swiss chard
- spinach
- endive
- escarole
- butter lettuce
- buttercrunch lettuce
- bibb lettuce
- rocket
- green beans
- cucumber
- bell pepper
- zucchini
- summer squash
- parsnip
- pumpkin
- sweet potato
- tomato
- broccoli
- broccolini
- cauliflower
- brussels sprouts
- bok choy
- yu choy
- watercress
Giving your guinea pig cabbage (in small amounts!) is a great way to make their diet more interesting, and there are lots of other foods to offer them as well.
Whenever you consider a new food for your guinea pig, be sure to spend a little bit of time reading about it. This way, you’ll avoid foods that are toxic to guinea pigs, plus you’ll find answers to questions concerning serving sizes and how often to give each item to your pet.
Is cabbage safe for guinea pigs?
Yes, but remember to offer only small amounts, and to introduce it carefully. You’ll need to wash the cabbage before giving it to your guinea pig; this way, you’ll remove any traces of pesticide or herbicide that might be left on the leaves.
Can cabbage make my guinea pig sick?
Yes, cabbage can make your guinea pig sick if they eat too much of it at once. Only offer the recommended amount and watch carefully for signs of an upset tummy or diarrhea!
Can guinea pigs eat cooked cabbage?
No, it’s not a good idea to give cooked cabbage to a guinea pig. Fresh is best!