Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Guinea Pigs May 14, 2022
Written by | Updated Oct 8, 2024
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pineapple?

Pineapple is a fantastic all-natural treat for you, but is it OK to share with your pet? Can guinea pigs have pineapple? If so, how much can they eat, and how often?

The quick answer is yes – guinea pigs can eat pineapple.

Your pet won’t be very happy about this next part: You’ll need to be very careful about offering small amounts, and this isn’t something your guinea pig can eat every day.

Keep reading! We’re about to give you all the facts on pineapple for guinea pigs.

Pineapple Nutrition Stats

If pineapple is among your favorite fruits, you’ll be thrilled to hear that it’s very good for you.

A one-cup serving of diced, fresh pineapple offers about:

  • 83 calories
  • 6 g carbohydrates
  • 3 g fiber
  • 2 g fat
  • 9 g protein

Pineapple Nutritional Facts

Pineapple is more than just a tropical treat: It’s also a great source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

That same sweet, juicy one-cup serving of fresh pineapple gives you approximately:

  • 9 mg vitamin C
  • 7 iu vitamin A
  • 180 mg potassium
  • 5 mg iron
  • 7 mcg folate
  • 2 mcg vitamin K
  • 5 mg calcium
  • 8 mg magnesium
  • 2 mg phosphorus

Can Guinea Pigs Have Pineapple?

Yes – guinea pigs can have pineapple. Be careful to prepare it properly, removing the sharp skin and checking to make sure that all of the tiny seeds have been removed.

Is Pineapple Good For Guinea Pigs?

Yes and no. Pineapple is nutritious, which is great!

On the not so great side of things, pineapple is very acidic – and this means potential irritation for your guinea pig’s mouth and digestive tract. In addition, pineapple is relatively high in sugar, which can also cause trouble for your guinea pig if overeaten.

So long as you stick to very tiny portions and offer pineapple only occasionally, it can be a beneficial addition to your cavy’s diet.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Pineapple?

Absolutely! Give your cavy pineapple (just a little, now!) and they’ll go crazy for it.

How Much Pineapple Can A Guinea Pig Eat?

Even if your guinea pig disagrees with the standard advice concerning small quantities, it’s true: Tiny bits are best.

Here’s how much pineapple a to feed your guinea pig:

Age Amount
Baby guinea pig None
Adult guinea pig 1 one-inch square of pineapple

Even if your guinea pig begs for more, it’s important to stick with the program. The acid in the pineapple can give your cavy mouth sores if this fruit is consumed in excess, and too much sugar can spell serious digestive issues including a sore tummy and a bad case of diarrhea.

Speaking of pineapple-related problems, it’s important to watch your guinea pig carefully after the first time they’ve eaten pineapple. Problems like diarrhea can be a sign that your piggie can’t handle this fruit, or that you’ve given them more than they should have had.

And one more thing, while we’re wearing our serious faces: If your guinea pig has never had fruit before, pineapple isn’t a good one to start with.

Give them something milder instead: Apples, grapes, and blueberries are nice options that are far gentler on your cavy’s digestive system.

How Often Can A Guinea Pig Eat Pineapple?

Your guinea pig can have pineapple just once or twice per week. Be sure that you don’t offer pineapple on the same day as you provide other treats that are high in sugar, unless you reduce the usual amounts so that all fruits add up to just a single serving.

The Correct Diet is Important

Guinea pigs don’t have a terribly exciting diet in the wild; mainly, they nibble on little leafy plants and grasses, along with occasional fruits. Even though pineapple is a fantastic treat for your cavy, it shouldn’t be a major component of their diet!

Instead, here’s what you should be feeding your guinea pig each day:

  • Guinea pig pellets – Choose a brand that’s fortified with vitamin C, and ensure that it is specially formulated to meet your guinea pig’s nutritional needs. The package label will tell you how much food to offer.
  • Fresh hayHay such as Timothy replaces the grass that’s part of a guinea pig’s natural diet. Your cavy should have an unlimited supply of hay for nibbling; it helps with tooth wear, too.
  • Salad – Your guinea pig should get one cup of mixed leafy greens and crunchy veggies each day. It’s best to divide the full amount into two (or more!) smaller servings to be offered at different times.
  • Fresh water – Clean water is essential for all life. Rinse and refill your guinea pig’s water bottle at least once every day.

While we’re on the topic of your cavy’s health, let’s talk guinea pig teeth. Your cavy’s teeth never stop growing and it’s important to provide essential materials to help promote proper tooth wear – without them, your pet’s teeth will become overgrown and painful.

We recommend apple wood sticks and hay cubes, along with safe guinea pig chew toys. Your pet needs to have something tough to chew on at all times.

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Pineapple In A Guinea Pig’s Diet?

Your guinea pig will enjoy having a variety of different veggies throughout each week.

Here’s a list of vegetables guinea pigs like:

  • asparagus
  • asparagus
  • artichoke
  • basil
  • cilantro
  • mint
  • parsley
  • carrot
  • carrot tops
  • romaine
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • arugula
  • swiss chard
  • spinach
  • endive
  • escarole
  • butter lettuce
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • rocket
  • cabbage
  • green beans
  • cucumber
  • bell pepper
  • zucchini
  • summer squash
  • parsnip
  • pumpkin
  • sweet potato
  • tomato
  • broccoli
  • broccolini
  • cauliflower
  • brussels sprouts
  • bok choy
  • yu choy
  • watercress

Besides the veggies on this list, there are many other vegetables and fruits that are good for guinea pigs!

The best way to decide which treats to offer is to spend a few minutes researching new items, determining which ones are best for your guinea pig, and finding out how much of each one to offer as well as how often to include it. Variety is the spice of life and your guinea pig will appreciate your efforts!

For now, giving your guinea pig pineapple (just a little!) is a great way to show affection while treating your pet to something extra-special.


Is pineapple safe for guinea pigs?

Yes, but only in small quantities and only occasionally.

Can pineapple make my guinea pig sick?

It’s possible that pineapple could cause diarrhea or gas if overeaten, but so long as you are very careful, your piggie should be fine. Remember that eating too much pineapple can give your guinea pig mouth sores, and don’t give in if they beg for more.
Keep in mind that a diet high in sweets can lead to obesity and diabetes. Pineapple and other sweet, natural treats should not make up a large portion of your cavy’s daily intake.

Can my guinea pig have canned pineapple?

Tinned pineapple often has added sugar, plus it has been cooked prior to canning. Both of these factors make canned pineapple unsuitable for guinea pigs. Don’t give it to them!

Can my guinea pig have pineapple leaves?

Pineapple leaves are bitter, sharp, and dangerous for your guinea pig. Don’t give a guinea pig pineapple leaves under any circumstance.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
  1. Bonnie

    If my daughter is highly allergic to timothy hay, what alternative is there? This allergy has increased severity over time and cannot even be in the home. Can't be fed by another family member either.

    • Kate Barrington

      Hey Bonnie, great question! Unfortunately, guinea pigs really need some kind of grass hay and timothy is really the easiest to find. Legume hay (like alfalfa) is too high in calcium and protein, so it should only be given to young guinea pigs. I would suggest trying Orchard Hay or Meadow Hay. Just make sure it is a nice green color which means it's fresh.

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