Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cauliflower?
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On veggie trays, in salad, and even in pizza crust: Cauliflower is everywhere these days!
If you’ve got some fresh cauliflower and you’re wondering whether it’s OK to share with your pet, we’ve got good news. Guinea pigs can eat cauliflower, and most of them enjoy it.
Keep reading, though. It’s important to give your guinea pig the right amount of cauliflower, and it’s also very important not to feed a guinea pig cauliflower too often.
Whether you’re wondering how much cauliflower to feed a cavy or how often piggies can have this crunchy snack, you’ll find the answers in our complete guide to cauliflower for guinea pigs.
Cauliflower Nutrition Stats
Cauliflower is more popular than ever – partly because it offers so much satisfaction!
Besides offering plenty of taste and a surprising amount of versatility, a one-cup serving of cauliflower gives you about:
- 25 calories
- 3 g carbohydrates
- 5 g fiber
- 2 g protein
- .1 g fat
Cauliflower Nutritional Facts

Even though it’s low in calories, cauliflower provides an impressive number of nutrients.
That same cup of cauliflower offers approximately:
- 5 mg vitamin C
- 303 mg potassium
- 15 mg magnesium
- 16 mcg vitamin K
- .2 mg vitamin B6
- 57 mcg folate
- .2 mg manganese
- .1 mg thiamine
- 44 mg phosphorus
- 15 mg magnesium
- .1 mg riboflavin
Can Guinea Pigs Have Cauliflower?
Cauliflower is very nutritious, and it’s safe for guinea pigs to enjoy every now and then.
Cauliflower is susceptible to pest damage. Unless you’ve chosen an organic variety, traces of agricultural chemicals might remain on the cauliflower.
Just as you would when preparing a snack for yourself, you’ll want to wash your guinea pig’s cauliflower treat well before handing it over.
Is Cauliflower Good For Guinea Pigs?
Lots of pets can eat cauliflower, guinea pigs included – but how good is cauliflower for your cute litle cavy?
Great news: cauliflower is a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It contains some vitamin C, which is essential to add to your pet’s diet since guinea pigs don’t make this essential nutrient on their own. It’s also very low in sugar!
Do Guinea Pigs Like Cauliflower?
We’ve never met a guinea pig that didn’t like cauliflower but we’ve heard stories about some pickier cavies turning their noses up at this veggie. In general though, most guinea pigs enjoy nibbling on cauliflower.
If your guinea pig is new to the family and is refusing to try lots of new foods, it might not be a matter of taste that’s getting in the way.
Give them a few more weeks to get to know you and build trust, then try those treats again!
Guinea pigs are friendly but just like people, some have a shy streak.
How Much Cauliflower Can A Guinea Pig Eat?
The answer to this question might surprise you! Here’s how much cauliflower a to feed your guinea pig:
Age | Amount |
Baby guinea pig | None |
Adult guinea pig | 1 inch cauliflower floret with stem |
Wait, what? Isn’t cauliflower good for guinea pigs? Why such a small serving size?
Here’s the thing: Cauliflower is nutritious but if your guinea pig has too much at once, unpleasant side effects can occur. Too much cauliflower can cause gas, bloating, and diarrhea.
The best way to feed your cavy cauliflower is to offer about half a portion (1/2 inch section) the first time. This is a good way to determine if your pet likes cauliflower, plus it provides a gentle introduction to the veggie.
Keep an eye on your guinea pig, watching for signs of diarrhea or discomfort for the next 12 hours. So long as everything is normal, you can give your guinea pig a full serving of cauliflower next time you have some on hand.
How Often Can A Guinea Pig Eat Cauliflower?
Since cauliflower can cause gas and bloating, it’s important not to offer it too often. Most experts agree that once per week is enough.
When you do give your cavy cauliflower, make sure that you offer it on a different day than other foods that can cause gas, i.e. broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, etc. If you want to combine it with these foods, then make each portion extra small so your piggie gets only a single serving of gas-producing veg at once.
The Correct Diet is Important
What do wild guinea pigs eat?
The answer might sound a bit boring: In the wild, cavies eat mostly grass, along with other low-lying vegetation. Many of the natural treats we offer to our guinea pigs aren’t found in their native environment, but are safe nevertheless.
At the same time, it’s important to ensure that the bulk of your guinea pig’s diet mimics that of a wild cavy’s intake.
Here’s what to feed a guinea pig each day:
- Fresh timothy hay: As much as your guinea pig can eat. Make sure your cavy has access to fresh Timothy hay at all times.
- Fresh, clean water: Water is essential for a cavy’s health, so make sure your piggie’s drinking bottle is always full. Rinse it out at least once per day to ensure freshness.
- Vitamin C fortified guinea pig pellets: Check the label, since serving size can vary from one brand to the next.
- Fresh veggies: Guinea pigs need about one cup of fresh veggies per day, divided into at least two smaller servings. You should offer a blend of greens and different crunchy veggies. Change things up frequently by rotating the veggies you offer. This way, your guinea pig gets plenty of variety and enjoys well-rounded nutrition.
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Cauliflower In A Guinea Pig’s Diet?

Cavies enjoy a wide variety of veggies and fruits – far too many to include here, in fact! Next time you’re looking for new foods to add to your pet’s fresh salad, consider some of the following.
This list of veggies and herbs is guinea -pig approved!
- zucchini
- summer squash
- broccoli
- broccolini
- beets
- beet tops
- arugula
- swiss chard
- spinach
- endive
- escarole
- cabbage
- butter lettuce
- buttercrunch lettuce
- bibb lettuce
- rocket
- basil
- cilantro
- mint
- parsley
- carrot
- carrot asparagus
- artichoke
- parsnip
- pumpkin
- sweet potato
- tomato
- romaine
- tops
- cabbage
- green beans
- cucumber
- bell pepper
- brussels sprouts
- bok choy
- yu choy
- watercress
Giving your guinea pig cauliflower is just the beginning!
Offer a wide variety of fresh foods to ensure good nutrition, and you’ll also be making life a bit more interesting for your cavy.
Fresh treats give your guinea pig something to look forward to, and they help you build a stronger bond with your pet.
Is cauliflower safe for guinea pigs?
Yes! Just remember to introduce it gradually and offer the right amount.
Can cauliflower make my guinea pig sick?
Technically yes, as cauliflower can produce uncomfortable gas and diarrhea if your guinea pig eats too much at once. You can easily prevent this by offering small amounts occasionally!
Can my guinea pig eat cauliflower leaves?
Yes! Guinea pigs can eat cauliflower leaves and stems. Just be sure to offer a very small amount and offer these on a different day than the cauliflower florets. While cauliflower leaves are good for guinea pigs, they produce gas and bloating. Since they can cause diarrhea if overeaten, you’ll want to offer just one small cauliflower leaf at a time.