Can Guinea Pigs Eat Asparagus?

Guinea Pigs May 13, 2022
Written by | Updated Oct 22, 2024
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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Asparagus?

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Can Guinea Pigs Eat Asparagus?

A yummy spring vegetable that lots of people love, asparagus is fantastic steamed, roasted, and even raw. Curious about whether it’s OK to share this veggie with your pet?

Can guinea pigs have asparagus, and if so, how much should they eat? How often can you give asparagus to a guinea pig?

The short answer is “Yes, guinea pigs can eat asparagus.” But there’s a lot more to learn before you run for the fridge.

Keep on reading and in just a few minutes, you’ll know all about asparagus for guinea pigs.

Asparagus Nutrition Stats

High in fiber, low in calories, and brimming with antioxidants, asparagus is great for you.

A one-cup serving of asparagus offers approximately:

  • 27 calories
  • 5 g carbohydrates
  • 3 g fiber
  • 3 g protein

Asparagus Nutritional Facts

Asparagus is an excellent source of nutrients for you and your guinea pig.

That same one-cup serving provides approximately:

  • 5 mg vitamin C
  • 1013 iu vitamin A
  • 271 mg potassium
  • 32 mg calcium
  • 8 mg magnesium
  • 9 mg iron
  • 7 mcg folate
  • 5 mg vitamin E
  • 7 mcg vitamin K

Can Guinea Pigs Have Asparagus?

Yes, in fact asparagus is one of the best vegetables for guinea pigs. You’ll want to be careful about how you prepare it, though: Guinea pigs can only eat fresh raw asparagus and it needs to be well-washed before being offered to your pet.

Is Asparagus Good For Guinea Pigs?

Asparagus is very good for guinea pigs as it’s an excellent source of important vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C. Since guinea pigs can suffer from vitamin C deficiency, it’s up to us to make sure that they get all they need – and the right fruits and vegetables are the ideal source.

Do Guinea Pigs Like Asparagus?

Since guinea pigs tend to enjoy crisp veggies, most of them will eagerly eat asparagus. The best way to see if your guinea pig likes asparagus is to offer them a little bit and see whether they eat it or if they leave it alone.

How Much Asparagus Can A Guinea Pig Eat?

As asparagus is one of the best vegetables for guinea pigs, they can eat quite a bit of it at once, or you can mix smaller amounts into their salad.

Here’s how much asparagus a to feed your guinea pig:

Age Amount
Baby guinea pig None
Adult guinea pig 2 asparagus spears

If your guinea pig likes asparagus and you decide to give it to them, be sure to trim any hard, woody ends off the spears. In addition, you can cut the asparagus into short 1-inch sections to make it easier for your guinea pig to eat.

Since sudden dietary changes can cause diarrhea in guinea pigs – and as asparagus is a veggie that can create a bit of intestinal gas if eaten in excess – you’ll want to start off by giving your guinea pig a very small amount of asparagus, perhaps half a spear cut into smaller sections.

Over the next 12 hours, watch for signs of bloating, discomfort, and diarrhea. So long as nothing like this happens, you can gradually increase the amount of asparagus you give your guinea pig next time it’s on their menu.

How Often Can A Guinea Pig Eat Asparagus?

If your guinea pig likes asparagus and you enjoy keeping it on hand, it’s OK to offer it a few times per week. Make sure that you don’t give your guinea pig asparagus on days when other gas-producing veggies such as broccoli or cauliflower are offered.

The Correct Diet is Important

A guinea pig’s natural diet consists mostly of grass and other low-lying leafy plants and grass. We’re pretty sure that if a wild guinea pig encountered a patch of asparagus, they’d happily nibble away!

Here’s what to feed your guinea pig each day:

  • Unlimited amount of fresh hay such as Timothy, essential for nibbling and keeping the digestive system moving along
  • Clean, fresh water should be available 24/7; remember to rinse and refill your guinea pig’s drinking bottle every day
  • Guinea pig pellets with vitamin C; check the label for the correct serving size
  • About one cup of fresh vegetables, split into two smaller “salads” – try to rotate through different greens and crunchy veggies throughout each week

Since your guinea pig’s teeth are always growing, it’s important to ensure that they always have something to chew on. Discs of dried corn on the cob are a fun snack / chew toy all in one.

Hay cubes, apple sticks, and guinea pig chew toys are other great options for preventing your guinea pig’s teeth from becoming overgrown.

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Asparagus In A Guinea Pig’s Diet?

What if you’re all out of asparagus? There are lots of other healthy, natural treats to give to your guinea pig:

  • asparagus
  • artichoke
  • arugula
  • bell pepper
  • basil
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • butter lettuce
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • broccoli
  • broccolini
  • brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • cauliflower
  • carrot
  • carrot tops
  • cucumber
  • cilantro
  • corn (including the cob)
  • endive
  • escarole
  • green beans
  • mint
  • parsley
  • parsnip
  • pumpkin
  • rocket
  • romaine
  • swiss chard
  • spinach
  • summer squash
  • sweet potato
  • tomato
  • bok choy
  • yu choy
  • watercress
  • zucchini

These veggies are just a handful of the many foods that guinea pigs can eat! They’re ideal for mixing into your cavy’s daily salad, and all offer some good health benefits.

Whether you’re interested in offering these or other fruits and vegetables, be sure to spend a few minutes researching, not just to find out if certain foods are safe for your guinea pig, but to determine how much of each item to offer and how often it should be eaten.

For now, though, giving your guinea pig asparagus is a great way to add a bit of excitement to their diet while treating them to some extra nutrition.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is asparagus safe for guinea pigs?

Yes, just be sure to wash it and trim off any tough, woody ends. It’s a good idea to chop those long asparagus spears into shorter sections before giving them to your cavy, too.

Can asparagus make my guinea pig sick?

If your guinea pig eats too much asparagus at once or if you forget to provide a gradual introduction to this veggie, then issues such as painful gas and bloating could occur, and your guinea pig might suffer from diarrhea, too. It’s best to take a careful approach to introducing asparagus to your guinea pig’s diet, as even too much of a healthy food can be quite a shock to their system.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
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