100 Most Popular Boy Ferret Names
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We don’t live in a world where the choice of pet remains restricted to either a cat or dog. Pet owners all around the world have become quite open to accepting that any animal can become a pet as long as you give it love.
Now people have birds of all kinds, lizards, chameleons, and iguanas.
Among all these amazing animals, one pet is becoming an all-time favorite of many pet owners and he is none other than a ferret.
Ferrets were originally kept to chase away mice and rabbits, but they slowly became domestic. They are soft, huggable and very cute. This is probably why so many people are trying them out as pets.
Every pet owner desires a touch of uniqueness and wit to their pet`s name. A ferret is quite an energetic animal and is socially very interactive as well. They are always eager to run and play so when you choose a name for your ferret make sure that it suits its personality.
100 Cute and Adorable Names For Boy Ferrets:

- Oscar – This is a name for a very talented ferret so you better teach your ferret a trick or two
- Ozzy – A much laid back and lazy name for the ferret who likes to lie around a lot
- Snappy – Looks like your ferret loses his temper a lot
- Zippy – A very cheerful and energetic name for a jumpy ferret
- Chase – A handsome name for a handsome ferret
- Speedy – This name suits your roadrunner ferret who doesn’t sit idle for a second
- Flip – Perfect name for your athletic acrobatic ferret
- Hurricane – Now this name is extremely suitable for a pet ferret who brings a storm into the room and leaves behind a big mess
- Danger – You wouldn’t want to mess with a ferret with this grave name
- Dexter – If you gave your ferret this name then he must be pretty smart
- Dino – A pretty name for a mushy ferret
- Bandit – Pet ferret with this name must be popular with taking off with your stuff
- Lenny – A subtle name for a subtle ferret
- Latte – This name may very well suit a brown-shaded one
- Voodoo – A pretty witty and original name for a pet
- Zorro – Another good name for an energetic and playful ferret
- Weezer – Your ferret must make a lot of noise if you named him that
Geeky Names for Male Ferret

- Kirby – A very suitable and a common name
- Kodak – Now this is a very unique name, maybe your ferret is pretty photogenic
- Ray – Handsome name for a handsome ferret
- Pebble – This name would suit best for newly born baby ferrets
- Stinkbug – The name is fine but your ferret shouldn’t take after the name else you’ll need nose plugs
- Snuff – A cute name for a cute boy ferret
- Stinky – Wash your ferret on a daily basis if you named him Stinky because he actually stinks
- Sweetness – Now this is a very nice name for a loveable ferret
- Balm – A completely soothing name for a peace-providing ferret
- Essence – A fragmented name for a sweet-smelling ferret
- Robbie – Your ferret must be a shady character with that name
- Dodger – Your ferret must have quite a jump with this name
- Robin – Your ferret may not give stolen goods to the poor animals but this is a pretty sleek name
- Chewbacca – No reference to the actual furry monster but it’s a cool name
- Nibbles – Suitable name for a ferret who liked to nibble on his food or your fingers
- Raffles – A unique for your beloved pet
- Swiper – Now we all know the connection to Dora so it is a pretty relatable name
- Champ – Yes, for all of us are pets are champs
- Munch – Munch is a very delicious name
Funny Male Ferret Names

- Nosh – A very exclusive name for a ferret
- Spackle – Doesn’t have a particular meaning but sounds nice
- Blaze – A fierce name for a fierce ferret
- Black Sox – A true Red Sox fan will name his ferret this
- Goldie – Suitable name for a golden-furred ferret
- Patches – Perfect name for a ferret with beautiful colourful patches
- Sherry – This is a popular female name.
- Coco – Sweet as a chocolate
- Toppy – Seems like a made-up name but it is quite cute
- Sable – Vibrant name for a pet
- Tippy – A very tipsy pet name
- Flash – If your ferret runs and disappears then you should name him flash
- Woozle – A noisy name for a noisy ferret
- Timothy – A very rich kind of name
- Brownie – Will suit your ferret like a charm
- Mittens – Collect loads of baby ferrets and then call them mittens
- Aaron – A complete A-lister name
- Aden – Intelligent choice for a name
- AJ – Feels more like an African-American name but ferrets aren’t racist
- Ajax – Your ferret doesn’t wear glasses else the name would suit perfectly
- Adios – Quite flimsy and spicy
- Alfie – Straight out of a Disney kids’ show
- Alexander – May your ferret conquer the whole animal kingdom
- Alpha – A military touch looks good
- Tango – Definitely not after the team
- Alfred – Sounded nice in Batman too
- Artty – Very catchy
- Arthur – Very speculative
- Bishop – For a Catholic ferret
- Devon – Quite cheesy
- Spike – But ferrets are really soft
- Chico – Extremely chic
- Benny – Spectacularly friendly
- Golem – An underworld name
- Cracker – Wittiness all over it
- Felix – Just nice
- Sonny – For a bright ferret
- Simons – A first-class athlete name
- Wally – Goofy name
- Ranger – A disciplined name
- Salt – Just like in the movie
- Vinnie – Not at all Winnie the Pooh
- Pow – Powerful name
- Powder – Original and groovy
- Philips – Very clean choice
Baby Boy Ferret Names

- Yale – For your smart ferret
- Yellow – Joyful name for a joyful ferret
- Seaward – A completely new name
- Colonel – For a natural leader
- Diamond – Yes, they all are precious
- Godwin – A blissful and blessed name for a ferret
- Norman – An obedient name
- Cuddle – Because they are huggable
- Lennox – A traditional Brit name
- Ferrice – If he does a cartwheel
- Ferrari – For your runner ferret
- Sam – Simple and easy
- Dutch – A royal name
- Tooty – fruitful name
- Cotton – Because they are huggable
- Toby – For a chubby ferret
- Myra – Mystical and shady
- Atkins – Very unique choice
- Juno – Definitely not from the movie
Final Thoughts
In conclusion, no matter what you name your precious ferret, the best thing for your pet ferret is your love and care. Whatever name you choose for your ferret, remember that it should match its personality and habits. Therefore, to give you some idea, we provide some of the names above.
Frequently Asked Questions
What should i name my boy ferret
You can name your ferret after a famous movie star or find cool names ideas on our list of 100 most popular boy Ferret names
What is a good name for a male ferret
A good male ferret name is one that is easy to remember and to pronounce
Can ferrets learn their name
Yes, ferrets can learn their name and acknowledge being called upon.
Do ferrets respond to names
Yes with time, your ferret may be able to respond to names
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