Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?

Rabbits May 13, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 12, 2025
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Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?

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Can Rabbits Eat Oranges?

If you love oranges, you might be wondering whether they’re safe to feed your pet. While some animals shouldn’t eat oranges, there are many who can enjoy them safely.

The quick answer to the question of whether rabbits can have oranges is “yes.”

But there’s a whole lot more to the story! For example, how much orange can a rabbit have? How often should you give a rabbit oranges?

Keep reading our guide: In just a few minutes, you’ll know all about oranges for rabbits.

Orange Nutrition Stats

Oranges make their way onto the “good for you” list of fruits for a great reason: They’re high in fiber, they’re an outstanding source of vitamin C, and they’re delicious, too.

A one-cup serving of orange sections offers an average of:

  • 85 calories
  • 21 g carbohydrates
  • 3 g fiber
  • 7 g protein
  • 2 g fat

Orange Nutritional Facts

Just like we do, rabbits need a wide variety of vitamins and minerals.

Oranges are a great source of nutrients, with that same one-cup serving of fruit providing approximately:

  • 8 mg vitamin C
  • 405 iu vitamin A
  • 326 mg potassium
  • 72 mg calcium
  • 18 mg magnesium
  • .2 mg iron
  • 3 mg vitamin E
  • 54 mc folate
  • 2 mg phosphorus

Can Rabbits Have Oranges?

Yes -even though oranges aren’t a fruit that most rabbits would encounter in the wild, it’s perfectly fine for rabbits to have oranges.

Are Oranges Good For Rabbits?

As they’re a good source of important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, oranges can be a healthy treat for your pet rabbit – but you’ll want to take a careful approach and not overdo it, since too much sugar isn’t good for your bunny’s health.

Do rabbits like oranges?

Most rabbits go absolutely bananas for oranges. If you’re looking for a good training treat for your bunny, a tiny bit or orange might be the ideal reward.

How Much Orange Can A Rabbit Eat?

Once your bunny gets a taste of sweet citrus fruit, they’ll probably want more. Here’s the bad news that your bunny has been dreading: Rabbits shouldn’t eat too much sugar and that includes natural sugar from oranges.

Here’s how much orange to feed your rabbit:

Age Amount
Baby rabbit None
Adult rabbit 1 or 2 small orange wedges

If your rabbit eats too much sugar, they’re at risk of developing diarrhea and an upset tummy. If your rabbit normally eats fruit, it’s fine offer about half a serving the first time you introduce oranges.

Don’t offer more than that, even if your bunny seems to be begging for it!

Over the next 24 hours, it’s important to keep a watchful eye out for diarrhea and other signs of digestive trouble. If everything is normal, go ahead and give your rabbit an entire serving of orange next time it’s on their menu.

How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Oranges?

Your pet rabbit might think it’s a good idea to eat oranges every day – after all, that’s something many people do all the time!

But rabbits need variety – and they really do not need that much sugar. You can give your rabbit a little bit of orange once or twice per week, but not on the same day as you offer another sweet snack.

If you feel like offering your bunny a variety of fruit, be sure that the total amount does not exceed the recommended ratio of 1 teaspoon fruit per 2 pounds of bunny body weight.

The Correct Diet is Important

A rabbit’s natural diet does not sound all that exciting to most humans. Wild rabbits eat mostly grass and other low-growing vegetation.

Oranges – unless the bunny lives in an orange-growing region and finds fallen fruit – are typically not on a wild rabbit’s menu!

Besides occasional fruit snacks, what should your bunny be eating every day? Here’s what we recommend:

  • 24/7 access to fresh Timothy hay for nibbling
  • A serving of nutritionally complete rabbit food (different brands suggest different serving sizes so double-check the package)
  • Unsalted pumpkin seeds, pepitas, and sunflower seeds, about a tablespoon per day unless they’re already mixed into your rabbit’s food
  • 24/7 access to fresh, clean water; rinse and refill your rabbit’s drinking bottle every day
  • A daily “rabbit salad” made with 1 cup of leafy greens and veggies per 2 pounds of bunny body weight
  • Natural treats – crunchy colorful veggies and very small amounts of fruit are ideal

Remember that your rabbit’s teeth never stop growing and natural chewing behavior prevents painful overgrowth.

Besides the right kind of food and plenty of water, your rabbit needs round the clock access to rabbit toys for chewing. Coconut shells, hard hay cubes, untreated softwood sticks, and unbleached loofah are some great options.

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Oranges In A Rabbit’s Diet?

If your rabbit seems disappointed about the fact that oranges shouldn’t be included in their everyday diet, here’s something that might cheer them up.

Check our list of veggies rabbits like for some popular, bunny-approved options:

  • asparagus
  • cilantro
  • carrots
  • carrot tops
  • cabbage
  • basil
  • parsley
  • romaine lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • butter lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • okra
  • parsnip
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • arugula
  • swiss chard
  • spinach
  • endive
  • escarole
  • rocket
  • green beans
  • pumpkin
  • bell pepper
  • tomato
  • broccoli
  • broccolini
  • cucumber
  • summer squash
  • winter squash
  • zucchini
  • celery
  • bok choy
  • yu choy
  • watercress

These are just some vegetables rabbits can eat – there are many other options available depending on your location and what’s in season.

Keep in mind that certain foods are toxic to rabbits and be sure to do a little research before offering them anything new – not just to make sure that it’s safe, but to ensure that you’re offering the right amount.

For now, we’re sure that your pet is glad to hear that giving your rabbit oranges (in small amounts!) is a great way to make life a little sweeter.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are oranges safe for rabbits?

Yes, oranges are safe to feed rabbits, so long as you offer a small amount and take a gradual approach to introducing them to your bunny’s diet.

Can oranges make my rabbit sick?

Oranges might cause diarrhea if your rabbit isn’t accustomed to sweet fruits, or if you offer more than the recommended amount. In addition, too much fruit can make your rabbit picky and prevent them from eating enough of the right food. Over time, too many sugary fruits can contribute to obesity and poor health overall.

Can rabbits eat mandarin oranges?

Yes! It’s fine to give mandarin oranges to your rabbit, but remember not to overdo it. A wedge or two is fine, depending on the size of the fruit and the size of your bunny rabbit.

Can rabbits eat orange peels?

Orange peels aren’t recommended for rabbits, but the white, fibrous pith right under the peel is a good source of nutrients.

Can rabbits eat dried oranges?

If you dehydrate orange sections at home and don’t add any preservatives or extra sugar, you can give your rabbit a very small amount. Don’t offer commercially prepared dried oranges with added sugar or other extras, as this could harm your rabbit.

Can rabbits eat orange leaves?

Orange leaves and twigs are safe for rabbits so long as they haven’t been chemically treated. Don’t offer these items to your rabbit unless you are certain that they are free from toxins.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
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