Can Rabbits Eat Mushrooms?
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Mushrooms are a delightful addition to savory dishes and many people love them in salad, too.
Whether you’ve been hunting morels or if you’ve simply picked up fresh white button mushrooms from the market, you’re probably wondering whether you can share them with your pet.
Are mushrooms okay for rabbits? If so, how much mushroom can a rabbit have and how often can it be offered?
Stick with us, because we’re about to give you the full scoop on mushrooms for rabbits.
Mushrooms Nutrition Stats
Mushrooms are versatile, but that’s not the only reason to love them: You can eat a lot of yummy mushrooms without really affecting your daily calorie budget.
A cup of fresh, raw white button mushrooms contains approximately:
- 15 calories
- 3 g carbohydrates
- 7 g fiber
- 2 g protein
- .2 g fat
Mushroom Nutritional Facts

Mushrooms offer lots of trace minerals, along with some vitamin D. In that same one cup serving of mushrooms, you’ll get an average of:
- 6 IU vitamin D
- 5 mg vitamin C
- 5 mg niacin
- 2 mcg folate
- 1 mg choline
- 1 mg calcium
- 3 mg magnesium
- 2 mg phosphorus
- 223 mg potassium
- .4 mg zinc
- .2 mg copper
- 5 mcg selenium
Can Rabbits Have Mushrooms?
No – unfortunately mushrooms are toxic to rabbits. You should never give a rabbit mushroom of any kind.
Many mushrooms that are perfectly safe for us to enjoy on our pizza or roasted alongside a veggie medley contain small amounts of toxins that a rabbit’s system is unable to deal with.
Do Rabbits Like Mushrooms?
It isn’t likely, since mushrooms aren’t part of a rabbit’s natural diet. We haven’t checked to see if rabbits like mushrooms simply because these fungi are so dangerous.
Mushrooms can make bunnies very sick or even kill them. It just isn’t worth the risk!
Are Mushrooms Good For Rabbits?
Absolutely not! Even though mushrooms are a good source of vitamins and minerals for us, they aren’t safe for rabbits.
How Much Mushroom Can A Rabbit Eat?
Zilch, zero, nada, none! Never feed mushroom to a rabbit!
Age | Amount |
Baby rabbits | None |
Adult rabbits | None |
In case you’re here after the fact and your rabbit has already eaten some mushroom, call your vet right away. They’ll be able to help you determine what to do next.
How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Mushrooms?
We’ve heard this question more than once – and in case you’ve been skimming in hopes of finding the answer, here it is:
Never! Mushrooms are poisonous to rabbits. Even common varieties found in the supermarket can kill your pet, so be sure to keep them out of reach.
The Correct Diet Is Important

You might be wondering whether wild rabbits eat mushrooms. A wild bunny might accidentally nibble a bit of mushroom, but this doesn’t mean that you should risk your pet’s health or life. Mushrooms aren’t a part of a rabbit’s natural diet.
Curious about what wild rabbits eat? Their menu consists of lots of long stemmed grasses and plenty of other small plants that grow within easy nibbling reach. Things like clover, dandelions, and even the occasional wild berry make it onto a wild rabbit’s menu.
Your rabbit needs to eat foods that are similar to the ones their wild cousins eat.
Here are our recommendations for feeding your rabbit the right way:
- Fresh hay – no limit. Rabbits thrive on certain types of hay such as Timothy, orchard, and oat.
- Clean, fresh water – no limit; refill your bunny’s drinking bottle every day.
- Age-appropriate rabbit food – check the product label to find your rabbit’s serving size based on their size and life stage.
- Approximately a tablespoon of large, unsalted seeds such as pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. If your rabbit’s food already has seeds mixed in, there’s no need to offer extras.
- Fresh bunny salad – about 1 cup of leafy green vegetables per 2 pounds of body weight, along with a few other veggies. It’s very important to offer a variety of different greens and veggies and rotate the fresh foods your bunny eats regularly, as consuming too much of a single plant can eventually lead to kidney disease.
- A very small amount of treats; in general, you should offer no more than a teaspoon of rabbit-safe fruit per two pounds of body weight per day. Variety is important here, too!
While your rabbit’s dental health has nothing to do with mushrooms, we want to help you keep your bunny healthy. With that in mind, here’s one more pointer.
A rabbit’s teeth never stop growing, so it’s up to us to help our pet bunnies keep their teeth at the appropriate length.
The good news is, it’s very easy to accomplish this goal.
Simply make sure that your rabbit has full-time access to safe, chewable toys such as hay cubes, unbleached loofah, untreated softwood sticks and other items that are appropriate for rabbits to chew. Constant chewing helps your adorable little friend stay healthy, plus it prevents boredom, making life in a rabbit hutch far more satisfying.
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Mushrooms In A Rabbit’s Diet?

Your rabbit will think you for keeping mushrooms off their menu and offering healthy items instead.
Here are some fantastic all-natural treats to let your bunny try:
- basil
- cilantro
- parsley
- buttercrunch lettuce / butter lettuce
- bibb lettuce
- romaine lettuce
- red lettuce
- carrot tops
- beet greens
- chard
- turnip greens
- spinach
- kale
- mustard greens
- arugula
- cabbage
- sweet bell peppers
- broccoli
- dandelion greens
- escarole
- endive
- bok choy
- yu choy
- fennel
The items on this list of safe veggies for rabbits are only the beginning!
There are lots of other fruits, veggies, and herbs rabbits enjoy. Simply spend a few moments researching new items you think your bunny might like.
It’s the best way to avoid potential toxins and make sure that your giving your rabbit the right amount of each food.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are mushrooms safe for rabbits?
No, it isn't safe to give rabbits mushrooms. Mushrooms are toxic to rabbits.
Can mushrooms make my rabbit sick?
Yes, mushrooms can poison your rabbit. Never give a rabbit mushrooms.
My rabbit ate mushroom by accident. What should I do?
Call your vet right away and watch for signs that your rabbit has been poisoned.
Plan to get your bunny to the vet immediately if they appear sleepy or depressed.
If your bunny isn't eating or drinking, there's a very good chance that mushroom toxins are taking effect and you should get them to the vet on an emergency basis.
Rabbits with mushroom poisoning can also lose control of their hind legs or begin to show signs of paralysis. Get your rabbit to the vet immediately if you notice this or any other signs that they've been poisoned by mushrooms.
With appropriate treatment, it's possible that your rabbit can survive after being poisoned by mushrooms.