Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?

Rabbits May 3, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 3, 2025
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Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?

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Who doesn’t love grapes?

Refreshing, sweet, and so delicious, these bite-sized fruits are a favorite with people all around the world. But what about bunnies?

Can rabbits have grapes as a natural treat? Is it OK to give a rabbit raisins? The short (and sweet!) answer to both questions is “yes.” In fact, bunnies love grapes and raisins.

Hold on, though. Before you treat your rabbit to a big bunch of grapes, there are a few very important things to keep in mind, beginning with the fact that your rabbit should only eat sugary fruits (like grapes) in small quantities.

Keep reading to learn all there is to know about giving grapes to rabbits.

Grapes Nutrition Stats

As fruits go, grapes are among the most nutritious. Because they’re high in sugar, they’re also fairly calorie dense for their size.

A cup of fresh grapes contains approximately:

  • 104 calories
  • 5 g carbohydrates
  • 5 g fiber
  • 1 g protein
  • .2 g fat

Grape Nutritional Facts

Grapes are among the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet. Besides important vitamins and minerals, grapes contain a number of antioxidants and other phytonutrients including resveratrol, catechins, quercetin, lutein, beta-carotene, and zeaxanthin.

Dark colored varieties typically have more antioxidants than their lighter-colored cousins, but all colors are great for you and pretty good for your bunny, too.

In a one cup serving of grapes, you’ll get an average of:

  • 288 mg potassium
  • .1 mg vitamin B6
  • .2 mg copper
  • .1 mg manganese
  • 3 mg vitamin C
  • .1 mg riboflavin
  • .1 mg thiamine
  • 22 mcg vitamin K

Can Rabbits Have Grapes?

Absolutely! Rabbits can have grapes as an occasional treat, but as with all sugary foods, there are definitely limits.

Since too many grapes can cause digestive problems for your rabbit, it’s important to offer small amounts. Before you head for the produce aisle, hold on! There are a few more things you should know about grapes for rabbits.

Are Grapes Good For Rabbits?

Rabbits need lots of vitamins and minerals in their daily diet, which makes grapes a natural fit. There’s just one problem, though: Grapes contain a lot of water and sugar.

Watery foods can cause diarrhea when given in excess, and too much sugar can lead to tummy troubles including gas, which rabbits aren’t able to pass.

So technically, the answer is that yes, grapes are good for rabbits – but only in very small quantities.

How Much Grape Can A Rabbit Eat?

How many grapes can a rabbit have, anyway?

Here’s a quick guide:

Age Amount
Baby rabbits None
Juvenile rabbits None
Adult rabbits 1 large grape or 2 small grapes

While one or two grapes probably won’t satisfy your sweet tooth, any more than that is too much for a rabbit. Even though most rabbits go crazy for grapes and other sweet fruits, it’s very important to feed just a small amount at first – about half a small grape is plenty.

Why take such a careful approach?

The answer lies in your rabbit’s digestive system. As any sudden changes to your rabbit’s diet can cause serious issues including diarrhea and painful gas, any new food should be offered sparingly and increased over time.

So wash a grape, cut it in half, give half to your bunny, and enjoy the other half yourself. If you have large grapes, give your rabbit just a quarter of a grape.

Monitor your rabbit for diarrhea and signs of discomfort over the next 24 hours. If you notice any problems, it’s a sign that your rabbit doesn’t do well with grapes and shouldn’t eat them in the future.

So long as everything remains normal, go ahead and offer an entire small grape the next day, or half of a large one.

Monitor your rabbit for digestive problems again and so long as there aren’t any signs of diarrhea or gas, you can feel free to increase their snack to a maximum of one large grape or two small grapes.

How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Grapes?

After you’ve introduced this tasty fruit, it’s fine to let your rabbit have a grape or two every few days. Don’t be surprised if your bunny begs for more – but don’t give in!

Feeding too many sugary treats can cause your rabbit to turn their nose up at hay and rabbit pellets, which need to make up the bulk of their diet.

The Correct Diet Is Important

Pet rabbits come in all different sizes, shapes, and colors – but they all have wild rabbits as common ancestors. Just like their nature-loving cousins, our pet bunnies have specific nutritional needs – and it’s up to us to ensure that they’re eating the right things.

In the wild, rabbits constantly munch on grasses and lots of different leafy greens. Since grapes aren’t part of the typical rabbit’s natural environment, it’s pretty safe to say that they aren’t natural food for rabbits!

So, what should you feed your rabbit? Here’s a basic set of guidelines to follow.

  • Fresh hay – no limit.
  • Clean, fresh water – no limit.
  • Age-appropriate rabbit food – check the product label to find your rabbit’s serving size.
  • Yummy salad – about 1 cup of leafy green vegetables per 2 pounds of body weight, along with a few other veggies. It’s very important to offer a variety of different greens and veggies and rotate what your rabbit eats regularly, as too much of a single plant such as kale or spinach can lead to kidney disease.
  • Approximately a tablespoon of large, nutritious seeds such as pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. These can help keep your rabbit’s teeth in good condition. If your rabbit’s food already contains seeds, there’s no need to provide extras.
  • A very small amount of treats; in general, you should offer no more than a teaspoon of rabbit-safe fruit per two pounds of body weight per day. Variety is important here, too!

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Grapes In A Rabbit’s Diet?

Rabbits can enjoy a wide variety of fruits and vegetables including lots of leafy greens, crunchy veggies, small amounts of root vegetables, and quite a few different fruits.

You’ll want to check serving sizes for everything you give your rabbit to ensure that they’re getting the right nutrition and not eating too much sugar or too many gas-producing vegetables (i.e. broccoli and cauliflower).

Here’s a quick “favorites” list of foods rabbits like:

  • basil
  • cilantro
  • parsley
  • buttercrunch lettuce / butter lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • romaine lettuce
  • red lettuce
  • carrot tops
  • beet greens
  • chard
  • turnip greens
  • spinach
  • kale
  • arugula
  • cabbage
  • sweet bell peppers
  • broccoli
  • dandelion greens
  • escarole
  • endive
  • bok choy
  • yu choy
  • fennel

Remember to introduce new foods in very small quantities and offer plenty of variety! While giving your rabbit grapes is a great way to make life a little yummier, your bunny will love you for providing lots of interesting food.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are grapes safe for rabbits?

Yes, grapes are safe for your rabbit to eat, so long as you stick to the recommended serving size.

Can I give grapes to a baby rabbit?

No. Baby rabbits can’t digest sugar properly and sweet treats such as grapes can lead to serious trouble.

Can grapes make my rabbit sick?

Yes, but this shouldn’t happen if you stick to small amounts. Always err on the side of caution, feed your bunny a diet consisting mostly of hay and rabbit food, and watch for digestive troubles.

Anytime you notice anything out of the ordinary, it’s a good idea to let your vet know what’s happening. If your rabbit is sick for any reason, rapid intervention offers the best chance of recovery.

How should I prepare grapes for my rabbit?

Since grapes are highly susceptible to disease and pest damage, most growers use chemical treatments to keep their crops safe. This means that it’s very important to wash those grapes before you eat them – and before your rabbit eats them, too! Give your grapes a good rinse even if they’re organic since they might have traces of dirt or bacteria on them.

Can a rabbit eat grape seeds?

Yes – it’s perfectly fine to give a rabbit grapes with seeds. The seeds are very nutritious and your rabbit will probably enjoy eating them.

Can rabbits eat grape leaves?

Grape leaves are great for rabbits, but you’ll want to make sure that there is no chemical residue on the leaves. Offer just a few grape leaves at a time. Most rabbits love them!

Can a rabbit eat raisins?

Yes! Raisins are dried grapes, after all. It might even be more convenient to offer a rabbit raisins unless you’re in the habit of enjoying fresh grapes on a regular basis. Be sure to offer only natural raisins – anything with a coating of sugar or candy could harm your bunny.

How many raisins can a rabbit have?

Be sure not to overdo it. Just one or two raisins is plenty – and your rabbit should have raisins only a few times per week, maximum. Remember not to combine them with other sugary treats.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
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