Can Rabbits Eat Blackberries?

Rabbits May 7, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 20, 2025
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Can Rabbits Eat Blackberries?

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Can Rabbits Eat Blackberries?

If you like blackberries you’re probably wondering whether it’s okay to share them with your pet. After all, they’re so juicy and delicious!

In case you’re in search of a quick answer, here it is: “Yes! It’s fine to give a rabbit blackberries.

There’s more to the story though, as it is really important to feed your rabbit the correct amount of blackberries – and to remember that this is not a treat they can have every day.

Keep reading to find out how much blackberry a rabbit can have and how often you can give them this special treat.

Blackberries Nutrition Stats

In case you haven’t heard, blackberries are full of antioxidants. Their rich purple color is a giveaway! Even though blackberries are one of the most nutritious fruits you and your bunny can eat, they are a low-calorie fruit.

A generous one-cup serving of ripe blackberries offers approximately:

  • 62 calories
  • 7 g carbohydrates
  • 6 g fiber
  • 2 g protein
  • .7 g fat

Blackberries Nutritional Facts

Blackberries are full of vitamins and minerals to help keep you and your bunny in good shape.
That same one-cup serving of yummy berries gives you about:

  • 308 iu vitamin A
  • 233 mg potassium
  • 2 mg vitamin C
  • 5 mcg vitamin K
  • 36 mcg folate
  • .9 mg manganese
  • 8 mg magnesium
  • 2 mg choline
  • .4 mg pantothenic acid
  • .2 mg copper
  • 7 mg phosphorus
  • 8 mg calcium

Can Rabbits Have Blackberries?

Yes! In fact blackberries are one of a handful of fruits that many wild rabbits find in their natural habitat. Even though they are natural and healthy, you’ll want to give your rabbit just the right amount of blackberries since too much sugar can cause problems.

These – and other fruits – are a special treat, and shouldn’t make up a large percentage of your rabbit’s daily diet.

Are Blackberries Good For Rabbits?

Since they are an excellent source of many vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, blackberries are very good for rabbits. In fact, this is one of the best fruit treats for bunnies.

Do Rabbits Like Blackberries?

It’s no surprise that rabbits love blackberries. Give your bunny a blackberry, and watch their whiskers tremble with delight!

How Much Blackberry Can A Rabbit Eat?

Just like us humans, rabbits can develop a serious sweet tooth. Since blackberries are a favorite with bunnies, they’ll go out of their way to enable as many as they can.

It’s up to you to keep your funny from eating too many blackberries.

Here’s how much blackberry to feed your rabbit:

Age Amount
Baby rabbit None
Adult rabbit 1 large blackberry or 2 small blackberries

You might feel bad about limiting your rabbit’s blackberry intake, but too much sugar can cause diarrhea and a tummy ache.

If your bunny normally eats fruit, it’s okay to offer them about half of the recommended serving size the first time you offer blackberries.

Keep a close eye on your bunny for the next 24 hours. Look for signs of diarrhea, bloating, or an upset tummy. Any signs of digestive trouble indicate that your rabbit might not be able to handle blackberries.

If everything goes smoothly, you can go ahead and give your rabbit an entire serving of blackberry next time.

How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Blackberries?

Since rabbits love blackberries, your bunny will probably beg for more. Unfortunately, it’s important not to give in! Only give your rabbit blackberries once or twice per week, and not on the same day that you offer other fruits or sweet vegetables.

If you feel like treating your bunny to more than one kind of fruit at once, reduce the amount of each type so that the total serving adds up to just 1 teaspoon of fruit per 2 pounds of your rabbits body weight.

The Correct Diet Is Important

Wild rabbits do eat blackberries when they can find them, but even in areas where wild blackberries are common, rabbits enjoy them as a special seasonal treat.

In the wild, rabbits eat a variety of grasses that keep their digestive tract running smoothly, along with other small plants that grow within easy reach.

It’s important to give your rabbit a diet that’s close to what nature intended.

Here are our recommendations for feeding your rabbit the right way:

  • 24/7 access to fresh hay for nibbling
  • A serving of quality rabbit food (different brands suggest different serving sizes so peek at the package to see how much you should be feeding your rabbit)
  • Unsalted pumpkin seeds, pepitas, and sunflower seeds, no more than a tablespoon per day (You can skip these if they’re already blended into your rabbit’s food)
  • 24/7 access to fresh, clean water; remember to rinse and refill your rabbit’s drinking bottle every day
  • “Rabbit salad” made with 1 cup of leafy greens and veggies per 2 pounds of bunny body weight, offered once per day or split into smaller portions for multiple feedings per day
  • Natural treats like crunchy veggies and very small amounts of rabbit-safe fruit

Let’s talk about dental care.

Even though rabbit toys aren’t food, they play an important role in your bunny’s health. Make sure that your rabbit has 24 seven access to chewable items.

The reason for this is that a rabbit’s teeth never stop growing, and they must have safe items to chew.

The constant nibbling and chewing wears your rabbits teeth down and prevents them from becoming overgrown. In addition, it makes life in a bunny hutch more interesting and far more satisfying.

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Blackberries In A Rabbit’s Diet?

Since bunnies can’t have blackberries every day of the week, what else can they have? As it turns out, there are lots of options!

Here are some fun foods to try feeding your rabbit:

  • asparagus
  • sweet corn
  • baby corn
  • cilantro
  • carrots
  • carrot tops
  • cabbage
  • basil
  • parsley
  • romaine lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • butter lettuce
  • bibb lettuce
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • okra
  • parsnip
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • arugula
  • swiss chard
  • spinach
  • endive
  • escarole
  • rocket
  • green beans
  • pumpkin
  • bell pepper
  • celery
  • tomato
  • broccoli
  • broccolini
  • cucumber
  • summer squash
  • winter squash
  • zucchini
  • celery
  • bok choy
  • yu choy
  • watercress

The items on this list of vegetables are just a few rabbit-approved favorites. There are many other options available depending on your location and what is in season.

Just be sure to spend a few minutes researching each new addition to your rabbit’s diet to make sure that it’s safe and find the correct serving size.

For now, treat your rabbit to a blackberry or two. They’ll be sure to wiggle their whiskers in delight!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are blackberries safe for rabbits?

Yes, blackberries are safe to give rabbits, so long as you provide a gradual introduction and only feed the recommended amount.

Can blackberries make my rabbit sick?

It’s not likely but do be careful since blackberries might cause diarrhea if your rabbit isn’t already accustomed to fruit, or if you forget to limit their serving size.

Can rabbits eat wild blackberries?

Yes! So long as the wild blackberries haven't been sprayed with chemicals, they are safe for your rabbit to eat.

Can rabbits eat blackberry leaves?

Blackberry leaves are safe for rabbits so long as they haven't been sprayed with herbicide or pesticide. If you have access to fresh blackberry leaves, feel free to offer your bunny one or two at a time. You can give your rabbit domesticated or wild blackberry leaves.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
One Comment
  1. William Jungers

    My bunny is a close part of the family,your info invaluable to his daddy!

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