Can Hamsters Eat Mango?
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Mango: It’s a mouthwatering tropical fruit that just about everyone loves. No wonder you’re curious about sharing some with your favorite furry friend!
In case you’re looking for a quick answer, here it is: Yes! Mango is OK for hamsters.
There’s more to the story, though. Stick around for a minute and you’ll know all there is about mango for hamsters including how much to give your pet, and how often your little buddy can have this super-sweet snack.
Mango Nutrition Stats
Ripe mangos are fairly high in calories compared with low-sugar fruits and berries, but they’re an outstanding source of nutrition.
If you eat an entire cup of chopped mango, you’ll get about:
- 107 calories
- 28 g carbohydrates
- 3 g fiber
- 1 g protein
- .4 g fat
Mango Nutritional Facts

Mango is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. If you like it, it’s well-worth enjoying!
That same scrumptious cup of cut mango treats you to approximately:
- 46 mg vitamin C
- 1262 IU vitamin A
- 8 mg vitamin E
- .2 mg vitamin B6
- 9 mcg vitamin K
- .2 mg copper
- 23 mcg folate
- 257 mg potassium
- .1 mg thiamine
- .1 mg riboflavin
Can Hamsters Have Mango?
Yes – hamsters can have mango, but you’ll need to watch their serving size carefully. Mango might be an all-natural treat but too much can lead to trouble!
Is Mango Good For Hamsters?
Let’s put it this way: Mango isn’t bad for hamsters, but it isn’t something that should be on their daily menu.
Do Hamsters Like Mango?
Luscious fruits like mango never fail to get a hamster’s attention. It’s safe to say that most hamsters are wild about mango!
How Much Mango Can A Hamster Eat?
Here’s where we put on our serious faces:
A hamster shouldn’t eat much mango at all! In fact, the amount to offer isn’t much more than a few nibbles.
Here’s how much mango to feed a hamster:
Age | Amount |
Baby hamster | None |
Adult hamster | ¼ teaspoon |
Don’t give in. Your hamster will certainly look to you for a larger portion, but this is one of those times when you’ve got to be strict. Give your hamster a lovely taste of mango as a very special treat and let them enjoy every moment spent savoring their snack.
If your hamster is a new addition to your family and you’re not certain if they’ve had fruit before, mango isn’t a good choice. Instead, offer them something lower in sugar such as a blueberry, a piece of a strawberry, or a little bit of apple.
Once they’re eating fruit on a fairly regular basis, you can introduce a tiny bit of mango.
Remember to observe your hamster for about 12 hours after offering any new food, particularly when it’s something very rich such as mango! If you notice anything out of the ordinary including diarrhea or discomfort, don’t give them mango again; try other foods instead.
How Often Can A Hamster Eat Mango?

Your pet can’t handle a lot of sugar, so only give your hamster mango once a week or so. Make it the only sweet treat for the day!
The Correct Diet Is Important
A hamster’s natural diet is omnivorous, meaning these adorable little creatures can eat animal products as well as plants!
Don’t worry, though: If you’re not interested in offering your hamster treats such as mealworms and crickets, you don’t have to.
Properly balanced hamster food contains all the protein your hamster needs, plus it offers the rest of the nutrients your pet requires. This doesn’t mean you should stick to a strict “hamster food only” diet, unless your vet tells you to.
In fact, the opposite is true: Variety ensures that your pet gets great nutrition and it makes life far more enjoyable.
Besides a serving of hamster food, here’s what to feed your little pal every day:
- Fresh hay (Timothy is a great choice) is an enjoyable addition to your hamster’s diet, so give them an unlimited supply. Not only is it helpful for their dental health, it’s great for their emotional well-being, as it can be combined with hamster bedding to make your pet’s construction projects more satisfying.
- Tiny bits of crunchy veggies, leafy greens, and fruits; remember to remove uneaten portions so they don’t spoil.
- Clean, fresh water is as important for your hamster as it is for you! Remember to give your hamster’s drinking bottle a quick rinse and refill it at least once per day.
- Seeds are a fun, healthy snack for hamsters, so offer about a teaspoon per week. If there are already lots of seeds in your hamster’s food, there’s no need to supplement with more, unless you feel like it!
While seeds, hay, and hamster pellets give your pet lots of chewing satisfaction, it’s important to look after their dental health by providing chewable items such as small softwood logs, apple wood sticks, coconut shells, and other safe hamster toys.
These items make your hammie’s habitat feel more like home plus they keep your hamster’s teeth from becoming overgrown. Your hamster should always have plenty of things to chew on.
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Mango In A Hamster’s Diet?

Mango is definitely a favorite with hamsters, but you need more options – after all, this is one treat they shouldn’t have much of!
With your hamster’s well-being (and enjoyment!) in mind, here’s a list of vegetables hamsters like:
- arugula
- rocket
- endive
- swiss chard
- artichoke
- basil
- asparagus
- cabbage
- spinach
- red lettuce
- bibb lettuce
- buttercrunch lettuce
- escarole
- green beans
- bell pepper
- celery
- cucumber
- winter squash
- pumpkin
- parsnip
- broccoli
- broccolini
- brussel sprouts
- summer squash
- zucchini
- tomato
- sweet potato
- okra
- watercress
- cauliflower
- yu choy
- bok choy
- cilantro
- mint
- parsley
- carrot
- carrot tops
- beets
- beet tops
- romaine
- potato (cooked only)
- sweet corn
- baby corn
- sprouts
We’ve included lots of favorites but the truth is, there are lots of other foods hamsters can eat!
Next time you’re looking for a natural hamster treat, look for information about whether the item is safe and see if you can find out what the proper serving size is.
For now, giving your hamster mango is a great way to make your pet happy!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is mango safe for hamsters?
Yes! It’s safe to give mango to a hamster. Like other fruits that contain lots of sugar, it’s important to stick to very small amounts and offer it only occasionally.
Can mango make my hamster sick?
Since mango is so high in sugar, it can contribute to obesity and diabetes if excessively consumed on a regular basis. These are two conditions that can really make your hamster’s life difficult in the long run, plus they’re likely to shorten your hamster’s life expectancy.
If overeaten on a single occasion, mango can contribute to bloating and dangerous diarrhea. A tiny nibble shouldn’t hurt, though!
Can hamsters have dried mango?
Yes, but only if it’s a variety that has no added sugar or preservatives. Offer only a tiny sliver at once (this means a piece about the size of a raisin!) since even unsweetened dried mango contains quite a bit of sugar.