Can Hamsters Eat Celery?
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Hamsters love fresh veggies, so it’s no surprise that you’re looking for new treats to offer!
Celery is a natural choice for us humans – after all, it’s crunchy and low in calories, with an interesting flavor. But what about celery for hamsters? Can you give celery to a hamster, and if so, how much should you offer?
The quick answer is “yes,” hamsters can have celery – but there’s more to know before you head for the kitchen to fix your hammy a snack.
Our quick guide has all the answers!
Celery Nutrition Stats
There’s a reason why people who are watching their weight tend to choose celery at snack time: It’s surprisingly nutritious, but it doesn’t have that many calories.
If you ate an entire cup of diced raw celery, you’d get:
- 2 calories
- 5 g carbohydrates
- 6 g fiber
- .7 g protein
- .2 g fat
Celery Nutritional Facts

Despite its status as one of the lowest-calorie foods on the planet, celery offers a pretty impressive nutritional profile.
That same cup of diced raw celery offers approximately:
- 9 mcg vitamin K
- 453 iu vitamin A
- 263 mg potassium
- 5 mcg folate
- 1 mg vitamin C
- 0.1 mg vitamin B6
- 0.1 mg manganese
- 4 mg calcium
- 1 mg magnesium
- .1 mg riboflavin
- 24 mg phosphorus
Can Hamsters Have Celery?
Yes – it’s fine to give celery to your hamster. In fact, celery is one of the best natural treats for hamsters since it’s crunchy, tasty, and fairly low in sugar.
You’ll need to be careful about preparing celery for your hamster. Start by removing all of the long, tough fibers, and then chop the celery into small slices that your hamster can easily pick up and nibble.
Is Celery Good For Hamsters?
Thanks to all the vitamins and minerals it contains, celery is great for your hamster. While it shouldn’t make up a large portion of your hammy’s regular diet, it is a very healthy snack.
Do Hamsters Like Celery?
Celery has an interesting scent and a nice flavor, but not all hamsters like it. But if hamsters came together and took a vote, the answer to this question would be an overwhelming “yes!” Most hamsters really like celery.
How Much Celery Can A Hamster Eat?
Even though celery isn’t high in calories, it’s important to make sure that your hamster’s diet consists mostly of hamster pellets.
Here’s how much celery to feed your hamster:
Age | Amount |
Baby hamster | None |
Adult hamster | ¼ teaspoon celery |
If your hamster already eats fresh foods, go ahead and offer the entire amount of celery at once. If they’re new to eating natural snacks, then give them only half the celery and next time, offer the entire amount.
Most hamsters are perfectly fine after eating celery treats but there’s always the potential for trouble when new foods are introduced. After your hamster tries celery for the first time, you’ll want to watch for any diarrhea that occurs within the next 12 hours or so.
How Often Can A Hamster Eat Celery?
Since you want to really mix things up and give your hamster plenty of variety, it’s best to offer celery no more than three times per week, preferably skipping a day between each celery snack.
- If you’ve been feeding fresh food to your hamster for a while now, you can just start including celery in your pet’s weekly rotation.
- If you just brought your hamster home, be careful to introduce all fresh foods gradually, not just celery. For at least the first week, offer fresh food only every other day, and in really small amounts. Your hamster probably craves those fresh, delicious treats you’re offering and you might be tempted to give them more, but too much at once can give them diarrhea and upset their tummies.
The Correct Diet Is Important

Hamsters can – and should – eat lots of different things!
You might be surprised to learn that hamsters are omnivores, capable of eating insects and other small animals such as worms. A hamster’s natural diet consists mostly of grasses and leafy plants though, along with occasional fruits and seeds.
Here’s a quick guide to feeding your hamster for a long, happy life:
- Hamster pellets – Check the package to determine the correct daily serving amount since this can vary from one brand to the next
- Fresh, clean water – Unlimited amount; rinse and refill your hamster’s drinking bottle at least once each day
- Fresh Timothy hay – Hamsters love to nibble on hay, plus they put it to good use, building tunnels and nests
- Small amount of birdseed – About a teaspoon per week
- Small amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables
- Occasional protein snacks – Dried mealworms are ideal
- Chewable treats for good dental health – Hamsters need toys such as hay cubes, untreated softwood sticks, bits of coconut shell, or unbleached loofah to chew; without these, your hamster’s teeth could become overgrown
This might sound like quite a shopping list, but hamsters need only small amounts of food!
Consider keeping your hamster’s mealworms, seeds, and chewable treats in a sealed container in the freezer, where they’ll stay fresh for a long time.
Here’s one more tip for feeding your hamster celery and other fresh treats: Only offer as much as your hammy will consume right away and take away any leftovers. Fresh foods can spoil quickly and develop mold if your hamster hoards them in their bedding for later!
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Celery In A Hamster’s Diet?

You’ve got lots of options when it comes time to decide what to feed your hamster for good health and a long, happy life.
These veggies are fantastic treats that most hamsters will eagerly nibble:
- asparagus
- artichoke
- baby corn
- sweet corn
- cabbage
- basil
- cilantro
- parsley
- mint
- beets
- beet tops
- carrot
- carrot tops
- arugula
- sprouts
- potato (cooked only)
- romaine
- rocket
- swiss chard
- endive
- bibb lettuce
- spinach
- buttercrunch lettuce
- escarole
- red lettuce
- green beans
- cucumber
- winter squash
- summer squash
- pumpkin
- bell pepper
- zucchini
- parsnip
- broccoli
- broccolini
- cauliflower
- okra
- tomato
- yu choy
- bok choy
- watercress
This is just a list of some favorites as there are hundreds of hamster-safe fruits and vegetables all over the world.
Our best advice is to spend a few minutes researching new foods you’re considering to make sure that they’re safe for your hamster, and to ensure that you’re offering the right amount.
For now though, giving your hamster celery is a fantastic way to improve your bond and make their life even happier!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is celery safe for hamsters?
Yes! It’s safe to give a hamster celery. Do remember to remove those tough fibrous strands, wash it well, and introduce it gradually.
Can celery make my hamster sick?
Celery might give your hamster diarrhea if they’re not used to fresh food, and if you forget to remove those long, fibrous strands, they could be impacted in your hamster’s digestive system or cause dental trouble. With proper preparation and introduction though, celery is a healthy treat for your hamster.
Can my hamster have celery leaves?
Yes! Most hamsters like celery leaves. Only offer a tiny amount – about one large leaf or two small ones – to keep your hamster from developing an upset tummy.