Can Hamsters Eat Brussel Sprouts?
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When it comes to healthy veggies, brussels sprouts top the list!
These miniature cabbages have lots of things going for them: They’re cute, they taste fantastic, and they’re versatile enough to pair with loads of other ingredients.
Love them or not, you know that brussels sprouts are really good for you! But are they OK to share with your little hammie?
Are brussel sprouts OK for hamsters to eat? And if so, how many brussel sprouts can you give a hamster?
We’ve got all the answers – and the first one is “Yes, you can give a hamster brussel sprouts!” But there are a few more things to know before you enjoy the sight of your adorable little friend nibbling on a bright green brussels sprout!
Keep reading. In just a few minutes, you’ll be well-informed on the subject of brussel sprouts for hamsters.
Brussel Sprouts Nutrition Stats
Brussels sprouts manage to pack tons of flavor in each low-calorie, high-fiber little package.
A delicious half cup serving of brussels sprouts gives you approximately:
- 28 calories
- 5 g carbohydrates
- 2 g fiber
- 2 g protein
- .4 g fat
Brussel Sprouts Nutritional Facts

Love brussels sprouts? You (and your hamster!) are definitely on the right track.
You might know that hamsters need help in the vitamin C department since they can’t synthesize this nutrient on their own. Brussel sprouts come to the rescue with tons of this essential nutrient and lots of others, besides.
In that same half-cup serving of brussel sprouts, you get about:
- 5 mg vitamin C
- 109 mcg vitamin K
- 604 iu vitamin A
- .2 mg manganese
- 8 mcg folate
- .1 mg vitamin B6
- .1 mg thiamine
- 247 mg potassium
- .9 mg iron
- .1 mg riboflavin
- 7 mg phosphorus
- 6 mg magnesium
Can Hamsters Have Brussel Sprouts?
Yes – it’s fine to give brussel sprouts to your hamster friend!
Only offer fresh brussel sprouts with no additives. Cooked brussel sprouts aren’t suitable for hamsters.
Are Brussel Sprouts Good For Hamsters?
Remember that vitamin C we mentioned a minute ago? It’s one of several nutrients that make brussel sprouts very good for your hamster.
Since brussels sprouts can lead to gas and create a very uncomfortable situation for your fuzzy little companion, it’s important to offer the right amount.
Do Hamsters Like Brussel Sprouts?
So far, we’ve met lots of hamsters that like brussel sprouts! It’s safe to say that this veggie is one that your pet will probably enjoy, too.
You can check to see if your hamster likes brussels sprouts by offering just a leaf or two. Most hamsters will investigate – and then the nibbling begins!
How Much Brussel Sprouts Can A Hamster Eat?
Since brussel sprouts are nutritious, your hammie can have a nice-sized portion!
Here’s how much brussel sprouts to feed a hamster:
Age | Amount |
Baby hamster | None |
Adult hamster | 1 brussel sprout |
Brussel sprouts are good for hamsters but that doesn’t mean you can simply toss a few sprouts into your hamster’s habitat and call it good.
Instead, it’s important to take a cautious approach, just as you do when introducing other new foods. Cut a brussel sprout into quarters and give your hamster just one of those pieces.
Over the next 12 hours or so, keep an eye out for any behavior that suggests your hammie might be uncomfortable, and watch for diarrhea.
So long as everything is normal, you can give your hamster half a sprout next time. If you see signs of trouble, stop giving your hamster brussel sprouts as it’s possible they’re causing digestive issues.
Gradually increase your hamster’s brussel sprout serving size until they’re nibbling an entire brussel sprout. Consider cutting the sprouts into quarters each time you offer them to your pet, as smaller pieces are easier to hold.
How Often Can A Hamster Eat Brussel Sprouts?

If you like fresh brussel sprouts and often have them on hand, then feel free to share with your pet two to three times per week, but not on the same day as another gas-producing veggie such as broccoli, cauliflower, or cabbage.
The Correct Diet Is Important
Fun fact: A hamster’s natural diet is pretty wild! We often focus on giving our pets lots of yummy fruits and veggies, but they’re actually omnivores.
Wild hamsters are impressive hunters, satisfying their need for protein with large insects and other creepy crawlies. You can supplement their diet with dried mealworms, tiny amounts of cooked chicken or hard boiled egg, or even the occasional cricket.
You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to, as balanced hamster pellets contain all the protein your hammie needs for good health.
Besides a good-quality hamster food and plenty of yummy snacks, here’s what to feed a hamster every day:
- Offer a little fresh hay, which is fun to nibble. Your pet will find that it’s fantastic for combining with a bit of hamster bedding in tunneling and nesting projects, too.
- About a teaspoon of birdseed once per week, for some healthy fat and a bit more nibbling enjoyment.
- Fresh water is something your hamster simply can’t live without. Be sure to give your hamster’s drinking bottle a quick rinse every day.
Last but certainly not least, you’ll need to help your hamster take care of dental hygiene. Hamsters teeth grow constantly and it’s up to us to help ensure that they don’t become overgrown, painful, and infected.
Luckily, you don’t have to brush your hammie’s teeth or anything like that; simply toss a couple of chewable hamster toys into your pet’s cage and they’ll take care of the rest.
Your hamster needs ‘round the clock access to safe items to chew! In a pinch, untreated softwood sticks or heavy-duty cardboard (the kind without plastic coating or printing) will do.
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Brussel Sprouts In A Hamster’s Diet?

Brussel sprouts are one of the healthiest treats your hamster can have but what if you’re all out?
Here’s a list of herbs and vegetables hamsters usually like:
- celery
- cucumber
- spinach
- red lettuce
- bibb lettuce
- buttercrunch lettuce
- escarole
- green beans
- bell pepper
- winter squash
- pumpkin
- parsnip
- summer squash
- mint
- romaine
- potato (cooked only)
- zucchini
- tomato
- sweet potato
- okra
- watercress
- cauliflower
- yu choy
- bok choy
- sweet corn
- baby corn
- carrot
- carrot tops
- beets
- beet tops
- broccoli
- broccolini
- artichoke
- basil
- asparagus
- cabbage
- parsley
- cilantro
- sprouts
- arugula
- rocket
- endive
- swiss chard
Even though there are lots of safe vegetables for hamsters, it’s important to spend a few minutes learning about new items before you hand them over to your pet.
A quick research session will help you determine whether new foods are safe, plus it’ll help you decide how much to give your hamster – and how often it ought to be eaten!
In the meantime, giving your hamster brussel sprouts is a fun way to offer a quick nutritional boost that your pet will probably enjoy. Nibble away!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are brussel sprouts safe for hamsters?
Yes! It’s safe to give brussel sprouts to a hamster but be sure to start with just a small amount at first.
Can brussel sprouts make my hamster sick?
If they’re overeaten, brussel sprouts can give your hamster a painful case of gas, and maybe even a serious case of diarrhea. Introducing sprouts gradually and keeping serving sizes small are two very simple ways to avoid issues.