Can Hamsters Eat Blackberries?
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Most of us love blackberries: They’re naturally sweet, delicious, and fantastic for our health!
The question is, can hamsters have blackberries? If so, how many blackberries can a hamster eat at once, and how often can they have them?
The quick answer is “yes,” hamsters can eat blackberries, but a bit less than you might imagine.
Before you run to the farmer’s market in search of blackberries to share with your little friend, read on.
We’ve curated a complete guide to blackberries for hamsters, with answers to all the most common questions.
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Blackberries Nutrition Stats
Blackberries are brimming with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants – even so, they are pretty low in calories.
In a generous one-cup serving of ripe, yummy blackberries, you’ll get about:
- 62 calories
- 7 g carbohydrates
- 6 g fiber
- 2 g protein
- .7 g fat
Blackberries Nutritional Facts

Blackberries are a source of vitamin C, which is something that you and your hamster need since neither of you can make your own! That same one-cup serving of delicious berries offers approximately:
- 308 iu vitamin A
- 233 mg potassium
- 2 mg vitamin C
- 5 mcg vitamin K
- 36 mcg folate
- .9 mg manganese
- 8 mg magnesium
- 2 mg choline
- .4 mg pantothenic acid
- .2 mg copper
- 7 mg phosphorus
- 8 mg calcium
Can Hamsters Have Blackberries?
Yes – but like most other treats, you’ll want to keep portion sizes tiny. Blackberries aren’t high in sugar compared to most other types of fruit but your little buddy can only handle small amounts!
Is Blackberry Good For Hamsters?
Yes! Because it’s so nutritious, blackberry can be a healthy snack for your hamster.
Here are just a couple of things to keep in mind:
Only offer fresh blackberries to your hamster. Your hammy’s digestive system performs best when natural foods are the only items on the menu.
Don’t give your hamster frozen blackberries with added sugar, and don’t offer them canned blackberries or blackberry pie filling since these contain potentially harmful extras such as preservatives and added sugar.
Do Hamsters Like Blackberries?
Yes, hamsters love blackberries! There might be a few hamsters out there who don’t like blackberries but it’s safe to say that your little pal will probably enjoy every juicy bit of berry you give them.
How Much Blackberry Can A Hamster Eat?

Your hamster might be able to eat more than one blackberry once they’re accustomed to it! Here’s how much blackberry to feed a hamster:
Age | Amount |
Baby hamster | None |
Adult hamster | 1 large blackberry or 2 small blackberries |
Hang on! Before you run for the refrigerator, it’s important to remember that new foods need to be introduced gradually.
Here’s the plan.
- If your hamster hasn’t had fruit in the past, you can offer them about half of a small blackberry or about a quarter of a large one. Wait 12 hours, watching for any signs that your hammy has an upset tummy, and keeping an eye out for diarrhea.
- So long as everything is normal, you can give them one small blackberry next time and a large one the time after that.
- If your hamster already eats lots of different fruits and vegetables, you can give them the full amount and watch for diarrhea over the next 12 hours. If nothing out of the ordinary happens, then you can feel free to add blackberries to your hamster’s food rotation.
- In case your hamster is brand new to the family and you have no idea if they’ve ever had fresh food before, then start with something gentler, like a piece of cucumber or perhaps a bit of spinach. We know you’re eager to help your hamster enjoy their new life with you but fresh foods can be tricky and berries aren’t the best introduction.
- After a week of eating some green veggies, you can gradually introduce your new hamster to a tiny bit of blackberry. Give them just half a small blackberry or a quarter of a large one. If there are no issues with diarrhea over the next 12 hours, you can give them one small blackberry next time and a large one the time after that.
How Often Can A Hamster Eat Blackberry?
You can give your hamster blackberries up to two times per week, but remember that it’s never a good idea to offer lots of sweets at once.
Mixing things up keeps life interesting for your little furball, plus it’s a good way to give them well-rounded nutrition. Don’t worry – there are lots of other fun foods for your hamster to try!
The Correct Diet Is Important
Wild hamsters can eat a surprising variety of different foods – including unexpected things like crickets and beetle. We’re pretty sure that blackberries would make their way onto the list if they were available! Keep in mind, blackberry is a treat. It shouldn’t make up a large portion of your hamster’s diet. Instead, you’ll want to offer hamster pellets designed to provide complete nutrition.
Here’s what else to offer your hamster for good health and a happy life:
- Since hamsters love to line their habitats, they need lots of fresh hay for nibbling, nesting and tunneling. They also need safe, absorbent hamster bedding.
- Clean, fresh water is another essential. Keep bacteria from building up by rinsing and refilling your hamster’s water bottle at least once a day.
- Chewable treats and hamster toys need to be available at all times. These aren’t food – but they are necessary since they keep your hamster’s teeth from becoming overgrown and infected.
- Tiny bits of fresh fruit and vegetables can be offered as treats once a day or once every other day. Check out the list below for some inspiration!
- Birdseed is something hamsters really enjoy, and the healthy fats in the seeds are great for their health. Offer about a teaspoon of birdseed once every week.
Since hamsters love to stash leftover food, it’s important to clear up any uneaten blackberries and other fresh food. This might seem a bit heartless but it’s actually in your pet’s best interest. If your hamster has the opportunity to stash fresh food, it can quickly spoil and your hamster could become very ill.
What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Blackberry In A Hamster’s Diet?

Blackberries are yummy all-natural hamster treats but there are lots of other options to try once your berry supply runs out! Here’s a quick list of hamster-approved vegetables to add to your shopping list:
- red lettuce
- buttercrunch lettuce
- green beans
- celery
- winter squash
- parsnip
- summer squash
- sweet potato
- watercress
- baby corn
- basil
- asparagus
- parsley
- mint
- beets
- beet tops
- potato (cooked only)
- rocket
- swiss chard
- spinach
- bibb lettuce
- escarole
- bell pepper
- cucumber
- pumpkin
- broccoli
- broccolini
- zucchini
- tomato
- okra
- cauliflower
- yu choy
- bok choy
- sweet corn
- artichoke
- cabbage
- cilantro
- carrot
- carrot tops
- romaine
- sprouts
- arugula
- endive
This is just the tip of the iceberg. Lots of other fruits, veggies, and herbs are perfectly safe for your hamster, and with just a few minutes of research, it’s easy to determine how much of each item they should have, and how often you should offer it.
For now, how about giving your hamster blackberry?
Remember to grab a photo, because your fluffy friend will look adorable with a blackberry between their paws!
Frequently Asked Questions
Is blackberry safe for hamsters?
Yes! It’s safe to give blackberry to a hamster. Just be sure to offer the right amount and remember to wash each berry well before you hand it over.
Can blackberries make my hamster sick?
Unfortunately, blackberry can give your hamster diarrhea if they eat too much, or if it isn’t gradually introduced as recommended. When you’re careful about the way you give your hammy blackberry, everything should go smoothly.
Can hamsters have blackberry leaves?
Yes, if you wash them really well, blackberry leaves are fine for hamsters! Most hamsters like blackberry leaves and can have one or two at a time as a bonus treat.
Can hamsters eat wild blackberries?
Absolutely, so long as you’re sure that they haven’t been treated with chemicals that are used to kill weeds along roadsides. If you’re confident about the source, feel free to treat your hamster to wild blackberries. Let them have a few wild blackberry leaves while you’re at it.