Can Hamsters Eat Bell Peppers?

Hamster May 12, 2022
Written by | Updated Mar 2, 2025
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Can Hamsters Eat Bell Peppers?

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Can Hamsters Eat Bell Peppers?

Nibble on them in place of potato chips, add them to recipes, or stuff them full of savory filling: There are tons of ways to enjoy bell peppers!

If you’re growing these yummy veggies in your garden or if they’re a regular addition to your shopping cart, you’re probably wondering if it’s Ok to share with your pet.

We’re always hearing questions like: Can hamsters have bell pepper? If so, how much can they eat, and how often should they enjoy them?

The quick answer is “yes!” Hamsters can eat bell peppers. But there’s a whole lot more to learn about the subject, which is why we’ve put together a complete guide.

Keep reading and in a matter of minutes, you’ll know all about bell pepper for hamsters.

Bell Pepper Nutrition Stats

Bell peppers don’t have a lot of calories – even the sweeter red, orange, and yellow varieties give you plenty of satisfaction without putting much of a dent in your calorie budget for the day.

The average medium-sized bell pepper, offers approximately:

  • 37 calories
  • 7 g carbohydrates
  • 2 g fiber
  • 1 g protein

Bell Pepper Nutritional Facts

Here’s a fun fact: On average, a single bell pepper contains a little over 250 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin C. It’s also brimming with vitamin A and many other nutrients.

Eating a medium-sized bell pepper treats you to about:

  • 152 mg vitamin C
  • 3726 iu vitamin A
  • 5 mg sodium
  • 3 mg vitamin B6
  • 8 mcg vitamin K
  • 2 mg nicacin
  • 7 mcg folate
  • 1 mg thiamine

Can Hamsters Have Bell Pepper?

Yes – you can give a hamster bell pepper! Just be sure to wash it well before cutting it up, and only give your hamster the crunchy, fleshy part of the pepper. The stem contains toxins that might harm your pet.

Is Bell Pepper Good For Hamsters?

Even though you’ll want to offer small quantities, bell pepper is great for your hamster’s health. It’s a good source of antioxidants that contribute to healthy cells that function well. Including veggies like bell pepper is a good way to help your hamster live their best life.

Do Hamsters Like Bell Pepper?

Like other sweet, crunchy veggies, bell pepper is usually a favorite with hamsters. In fact, we’ve never met a hamster that didn’t like bell peppers!

How Much Bell Pepper Can A Hamster Eat?

Since bell peppers have a little bit of sugar, you’ll want to give your hammie just a small amount!

Here’s how much bell pepper to feed a hamster:

Age Amount
Baby hamster None
Adult hamster 1 inch square

Think of bell pepper as a sweet treat for your hamster and remember that too much sugar can lead to serious issues like diabetes and obesity over time. We want your hamster to stay healthy, and we know you do, too!

If your hamster has never had fruit or sweet veggies, a colorful piece of bell pepper might be the perfect introduction to the sweeter side of life.

In case your hamster has never had fresh treats at all, you’ll want to give them a smaller piece – maybe a ½ inch square – to introduce them to this crunchy, yummy treat.

Over the next 12 hours or so, keep an eye out for any signs of discomfort or diarrhea. If nothing unusual happens, go ahead and give them an entire 1 inch square of bell pepper next time!

How Often Can A Hamster Eat Bell Pepper?

Hamsters should only have bell pepper 2 or 3 times per a week, and you shouldn’t give it to them on the same day that they eat other sweet treats.

The Correct Diet Is Important

Here’s a fun fact about hamsters: These cute, cuddly, innocent-looking creatures are omnivores, meaning they eat animal products as well as veggies!

No worries if you don’t feel like providing your hamster with things like freeze-dried mealworms or crickets; properly formulated hamster pellets have all the protein they need.

Besides a yummy serving of good-quality hamster food, here’s what to feed your hamster on a daily basis:

  • Fresh hay gives your hamster something to nibble on and tunnel in, so give them an unlimited supply. Just place it on top of their absorbent hamster bedding, and they’ll take over from there!
  • Clean, fresh water is essential for your hamster’s well-being. Rinse and refill their drinking bottle every day.
  • Birdseed is a good source of healthy fat, plus it’s a fun treat your hamster will enjoy. Offer your hammy about a teaspoon per week. They’ll probably enjoy a nibble at feeding time and have fun hiding the rest.
  • Very small amounts of fresh fruit and vegetables make great natural treats for hamsters. Only offer them once a day or once every other day since to much moisture-heavy food can lead to digestive trouble.
  • Chewable items must be available at all times since they keep your hamster’s teeth from becoming overgrown and painful. Favorite options include fun hamster toys, natural coconut shell, hay cubes, untreated softwood sticks, and unbleached loofah.

Because hamsters have a habit of saving some of their food for later, it’s important to clear any uneaten fresh food from their habitat as soon as they finish nibbling – this way, nothing will spoil or cause harmful mold in your hammy’s food cache.

If your hamster doesn’t finish their bell pepper, try giving them a smaller amount next time.

What Are Other Healthy Alternatives To Bell Pepper In A Hamster’s Diet?

Bell pepper is a fantastic, healthy hamster treat but there are plenty of other options to choose from!

Here’s a list of some veggies and herbs hamsters like to eat:

  • artichoke
  • basil
  • spinach
  • red lettuce
  • broccoli
  • broccolini
  • baby corn
  • carrot
  • carrot tops
  • bibb lettuce
  • buttercrunch lettuce
  • escarole
  • green beans
  • bell pepper
  • celery
  • cucumber
  • winter squash
  • pumpkin
  • parsnip
  • summer squash
  • zucchini
  • tomato
  • sweet potato
  • okra
  • watercress
  • cauliflower
  • sweet corn
  • asparagus
  • cabbage
  • parsley
  • cilantro
  • mint
  • beets
  • beet tops
  • yu choy
  • bok choy
  • romaine
  • potato (cooked only)
  • sprouts
  • arugula
  • rocket
  • endive
  • swiss chard

Even though lots of fruits and vegetables are safe to feed hamsters, remember to spend a few minutes researching new items before you offer them to your pet.

You’ll be reassured knowing that you’re giving your hamster safe, healthy treats, plus you’ll find out how much to offer and how often!

For now, giving your hamster bell pepper is a fun way to make life more interesting – and tastier!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is bell pepper safe for hamsters?

Yes! It’s safe to give bell pepper to a hamster – just be sure to give them the right amount and wash it well before you hand it over.

Can bell pepper make my hamster sick?

Bell pepper isn’t likely to make your hamster sick – in fact, it’s very good for them. Do remember that overfeeding any fresh food (bell peppers included) is a recipe for an upset tummy and a case of hamster diarrhea. It’s better to err on the side of caution and limit the amount of fresh treats you offer than it is to put your little hammy at risk.

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Anne is a wellness writer with a lifelong love of animals large and small. As a former veterinary technician, she has a passion for your pet’s well-being. Anne rescues and rehabilitates animals in need. She shares her farm with lots of critters including horses, sheep, dogs, cats, rabbits, and chickens.
  1. Margaret Thorney

    Thank because I didn't know that I should change the water of hamster everyday

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